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The most I have ever weighed was 7 and a half stone (so thats 105lb).

Whats your least fave smell??

Originally Posted by Sarah84

The most I have ever weighed was 7 and a half stone (so thats 105lb).

Whats your least fave smell??

a bathroom after someone has left a huge P00P
Do you have a pet?

Yes I have a dog

What do you know about Poland??

Originally Posted by pattyt Yes I have a dog

What do you know about Poland??

i know that my ex is polish. golombek!
do you prefer an automatic or stick shift?

love driving a stick!

what profession, other than the one you have now, would you like to attempt?

never seen the stars upclose. hope i get to experience that one day.

what is the one place you want to see in your lifetime?

The WHOLE of America :icon_love

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be??

the virgin islands - hurricanes and all!

what one gift would you give yourself if you could afford it?

Originally Posted by madmanda11

A tummy tuck!
Honestly, do you pick your nose?

Bigtime! Pull out the one's that feel like my brain is coming out
Do you fart in public to where people might smell them?

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Bigtime! Pull out the one's that feel like my brain is coming out
Do you fart in public to where people might smell them?

Sometimes you just gotta let go!
What's the longest you've ever gone without a shower?

Redhead... all the redheads I know are gorgeous!

If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?

There's a few I'd like to meet but I'd have to say Jessica Simpson :icon_love just because I think she is amazing and she's someone I've always wanted to meet simple as that.

If you had a film made about your life, who would you like to play you??

Originally Posted by Sarah84

There's a few I'd like to meet but I'd have to say Jessica Simpson :icon_love just cause she is so amazingly beautiful and I think she is just amazing, though most people would probably disagree
If you had a film made about your life, who would you like to play you??

I would play me cuz im a dope actor

If you were to ask for one gift what would you want?

Originally Posted by Sarah84 What's your favourite song at the moment?? Howie Day "Collide"
What is your best Mu secret?

Originally Posted by Marisol Howie Day "Collide"
What is your best Mu secret?

My best makeup secret.. hmmm.. Marisol, you always get me to wrack my brain.. My best makeup secret is visine.. yep, when i have no mixing medium, it steps in just fine.. and takes the red out of those nasty pimples.. I also use art brushes instead of those WAY expensive "cosmetic" brushes.. and baby shampoo to wash them..

If you could meet any artist in the world, (yes yea,dead OR alive) who would it be and why? (artists are poets, writers, painters, you get the idea)

Originally Posted by MacForMe My best makeup secret.. hmmm.. Marisol, you always get me to wrack my brain.. My best makeup secret is visine.. yep, when i have no mixing medium, it steps in just fine.. and takes the red out of those nasty pimples.. I also use art brushes instead of those WAY expensive "cosmetic" brushes.. and baby shampoo to wash them..
If you could meet any artist in the world, (yes yea,dead OR alive) who would it be and why? (artists are poets, writers, painters, you get the idea)

Good answer Lauryn!
To answer your question, I have two that I would love to meet. The first one would be Frida Khalo... she is such an amazing painter. I went to her musuem in Mexico and its amazing.

Second, it would be Kevyn Aucoin. I have read his books and he was such an amazing artists. One of the things that I liked about his MU style is that he brought out the beauty in people. He knew that we were all beautiful on the inside and on the outside.

You have three wishes. What do you wish for?

1. World Peace

2. Bigger ****s!

3. Sleep (I really need to go to bed!)

What nicknames did you have as a kid and what are your nicknames now?


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