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Originally Posted by Disguyzdgurl7 Oh yeah- questions, lol.
What was the last makeup product you bought?

Me: Sally Hansen's Quick Cover Makeup + Concealer Compact (today's impulse buy, something small I can stash in my purse.)

Recently bought an Ulta lipstick..toasted creme. I tend to reach for it quite often!

Who's the last person you kissed and when?


Originally Posted by Disguyzdgurl7 Again, I click w/o adding a new question...sorry
How much money have you spent today and what did you buy?

I have spent $13 today on makeup, a birthday card and bag, and some snacks.

Wow, my answer is so unexciting. I paid our $30.00 copay at the doctor's office for my kids appointments, and spent $60.00 at Costco on Toilet paper, paper towels, rubber gloves, a scale, a chicken bake and a hot dog. I'm telling you...this is (yawn) boring stuff.
What has been your greatest acheivement so far?

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Becoming the most successful person in my immediate family.
When did you kiss your first guy?

My first innocent first kiss (just a little peck) when I was about 8.My first not-so-innocent first kiss when I was about 13.

Go out to the movies OR Stay home and rent movies?

Originally Posted by Charmaine Stay home and rent movies
Leave-in conditioner, or conditioner that washes out?

Wash out please! My hair is VERY fine and i have alot of it, i would be grease city by 4pm.
what thing did you do, that you didnt WANT to do, but friends/family pushed you into it?

Originally Posted by Charmaine Going back to school. I really didn't want to do it anymore, but they pressured me into it.
What is your earliest memory?

Not sure what my earliest memory is, but I distinctly remember being in Hawaii with my Mom and Grandmother when I was about 2. I can remember the smells, the beach, the dress my mom bought for me and the hotel room. I also remember the handsome man that put the lei around my neck when we came off the plane.
What's the largest purchase you've made on your own?

Originally Posted by Nicolet Not sure what my earliest memory is, but I distinctly remember being in Hawaii with my Mom and Grandmother when I was about 2. I can remember the smells, the beach, the dress my mom bought for me and the hotel room. I also remember the handsome man that put the lei around my neck when we came off the plane.
What's the largest purchase you've made on your own?

My first brand new vehicle.. wow.. ouch and wow!
Whats the one thing a person can do that really sets you off?

One of the Earliest memories I have is when I was in kindergarten. We made real apple sauce. The teacher had some kind of cooker with a pot to cook the apples/mixture in. It smelled great.
Originally Posted by MacForMe My first brand new vehicle.. wow.. ouch and wow!
Whats the one thing a person can do that really sets you off?

Hmm..hard to say. However, I hate when people cut you off while you're driving, especially when I have my kids in the car! With the kids in the car, I have to maintain my composure (which is hard to do with my temper), and just grit my teeth and keep a safe distance away. Even if my kids aren't in the car with me, I must say these days, it's a good idea not to swear at people or give them a certain finger..there's just way to much road rage craziness going on.
Do you have a favorite outfit/dress that you feel really sexy/beautiful in? What is it and where/when did you wear it?

Originally Posted by Nicolet Hmm..hard to say. However, I hate when people cut you off while you're driving, especially when I have my kids in the car! With the kids in the car, I have to maintain my composure (which is hard to do with my temper), and just grit my teeth and keep a safe distance away. Even if my kids aren't in the car with me, I must say these days, it's a good idea not to swear at people or give them a certain finger..there's just way to much road rage craziness going on.
Do you have a favorite outfit/dress that you feel really sexy/beautiful in? What is it and where/when did you wear it?

I do! I have a Qui Pao/Chongsam that i just LOVE, its black with gold dragons on it. I wore it to a awards dinner. no one had on anything like it!

What do you do when you cant sleep?

Originally Posted by MacForMe I do! I have a Qui Pao/Chongsam that i just LOVE, its black with gold dragons on it. I wore it to a awards dinner. no one had on anything like it!
What do you do when you cant sleep?

I watch infomercials on late, late night tv! lol! They really know how to hook ya..

Was there a time period in your life, when you had a turning point or felt it was a milestone that you had reached?

when my son went away to college. i spent all my time preparing him and didn't prepare myself. i was kind of lost for a while and needed to fill my time with something new. i get my esthetics license and started working part time at a day spa. i love it and life is great!

how do you picture you life 5 years from now?

Originally Posted by Nicolet I watch infomercials on late, late night tv! lol! They really know how to hook ya..

Was there a time period in your life, when you had a turning point or felt it was a milestone that you had reached?

Originally Posted by monniej when my son went away to college. i spent all my time preparing him and didn't prepare myself. i was kind of lost for a while and needed to fill my time with something new. i get my esthetics license and started working part time at a day spa. i love it and life is great!
how do you picture you life 5 years from now?

Hopefully being a lot more successful than I am now! I want the "American Dream" (who doesn't!? lol) I want a new car, a good career, and not to have to rely on anyone to take care of me. Hopefully 5 years is enough to do this... but hey, one can dream! LOL

What song can you relate to your (current) life, and why?

Originally Posted by Charmaine What is the best thing that's happened to you so far? For me, it was finishing college. It was something that I had put off for a while and it took a long time for me to get my degree. It is something that I am proud off.
What do you do when you are bored?

Originally Posted by Charmaine How do you calm yourself down when people are making you mad? The first thing I do is walk away to get away from the person(s) that is making me feel this way. I usually start to just concentrate on something else so that my anger sort of goes away. If I am at work, I will go for a short walk around the block. Sort of breathe in some fresh air... but sometimes I also just have a ciggie and it helps calm me down.
Got any hobbies?

no, i don't think so. i'm not sure i'd be his type

if you could do anything you wanted for a living, what would you do?

Originally Posted by karrie ann i love running! nothing beats a good sweat.

would you marry donald trump?

i really think i would like to be a qvc host. what a fabulous job. shopping all day! :icon_love

what reality show would you go on?

Originally Posted by karrie ann i really think i would like to be a qvc host. what a fabulous job. shopping all day! :icon_love

what reality show would you go on?

if you would of asked me that 6 years ago id say real world.But now ,um i wouldnt want to go on one.

What is your biggest pet peeve?


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