The Hills is fake! forums

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every thing on tv is fake, even things base on true storys/events has fake stuff thrown in... so um this isnt a shocker perez or tmz, like we know most of the stuff on you guys blogs is fake..

i havent watch this show so i have no opinion on the show or characters

am i the only idiot who absolutely loves this show????

Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif obviously. lol I think a couple of days ago they had a scene where Heidi was saying goodbye to spencer and then they changed their shirts and filmed a welcome back scene. lol In one scene Spencer had a beard....then the next no beard....then the next he had a beard again....lmao
I KNEW it was scripted -- I mean, come on. The acting is terrible...and you know it's acting, esp. Spencer.

Originally Posted by Jessica_Ann /img/forum/go_quote.gif am i the only idiot who absolutely loves this show????

In one scene Spencer had a beard....then the next no beard....then the next he had a beard again....lmao

no, you aren't the only idiot
I like it too... I mean, it still irritates the crap out of me but I CAN'T STOP WATCHING.I've watched it from the beginning.

You arent the only one Jessica. I mean, how can I stop watching it now? even if its fake, i feel like we have something special..i get to feel better about my life when I watch people stressing over some dumb situation that really doesnt need that much stressing. Kind of a justification to say "****ing it"..she obviously has bigger issues than I do, you know?

I don't think I've ever sat through an entire episode of this show, but it's shot better than most sitcoms.. the lighting and camera angles are always perfect, that's just bizarre for a "reality" show.

i'm not going to lie, i enjoy watching it when i have nothing better to do. keeps me entertained. lol.

Yeah I kind of figured, but I mean, who cares! Its drama and we all like to watch it no matter how fake
also, they have vids on TMZ were they have to do retakes of the girls going out of clubs and stuff.

No lol

Originally Posted by MamaRocks /img/forum/go_quote.gif Am i the only one who hasnt seen it yet?!!! lol
Poor Heidi. No one to party with. So so sad. I like how she was trying to convince herself that she was content with having only spencer at her party.

Oh the drama!

Originally Posted by empericalbeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif Poor Heidi. No one to party with. So so sad. I like how she was trying to convince herself that she was content with having only spencer at her party.
Oh the drama!

Is this on the last show! I have to watch!
Spencer and Heidi....if its a fake...i sure would have picked a better "personality" for my character. Heidi is a bimbot and Spencer...he is just a freak! He's creepy.

I LOve the HIlls!!! I cant believe that its not real...hmmm I guess things arent what they seem to be after all...

i had never seen this show before in my life, until one day there was nothing to watch and there was a merathon, and i kinda got hooked, but i didnt continue watching it cuz it got a little boring, also i'm not surprised nor saddened that its fake, lol. here's my question though, "can someone please tell me why everybody hates spencer?" i'm not saying i like him but i'm wondring if he actually did something that everyone hates him, after all i dont really follow the show.

Originally Posted by PhantomGoddess /img/forum/go_quote.gif I hate this f**king show.


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