Tanning, Good Or Bad?

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Feb 1, 2009
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I was wondering about tanning beds. I think that tanning is pretty popular and I do go once a week and wish I had time to go at least twice a week. I cannot believe the people that frequent the tanning beds. They are all different ages, sizes, race and male, female it doesn't matter! I do not think that it is good to go all the time. Obviously we know that to much sun exposure is unhealthy. I have seen some people who have go almost on a daily basis and been going along time and now they look like a leather bag! I go because if I don't I have such fair white skin with dark hair that I look sick without color. I don't like any self tanners they stink and are never even. So what do you think? Tanning, is it good or bad??

Bad. I've been traumatised by watching beauty shows that show the effects of tanning, where people end up with leathery looking skin and age spots.

I'm very pale anyway so I have to be careful if I'm in the sun, but I wouldn't use a sun bed. I just don't think it's worth it, it's too risky with all the skin cancer risks and things.

most definitely bad. Tanning booths are still exposing you to harmful UV rays that are damaging to your skin. Prolonged or consistent exposure may result in skin cancer.

Here in oz, they are very, very hardcore about skin cancer, and a lot of the ads that we get also mention the danger of sun tanning beds.

It's not worth it. If you don't like spray on tan, then maybe try a 'summer glow' style moisturiser instead?

im really big on protecting my skin and would like to keep it in a good condition even when i hit over 50- so... if ur asking me, my answer is def bad. (not to mention its potential risk to skin cancer) heck i dont even step outside w/o sunscreen on! ever!

I've watched too much on the health channel that it scared me to tan.

Risks of Indoor TanningThe United States Department of Health & Human Services has declared ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and artificial sources, such as tanning beds and sun lamps, as a known carcinogen (cancer-causing substance).6

Indoor tanning equipment, which includes all artificial light sources, including beds, lamps, bulbs, booths, etc., emits UVA and UVB radiation.The amount of the radiation produced during indoor tanning is similar to the sun and in some cases may be stronger.7,8

A Swedish study presents strong evidence that exposure to UV radiation during indoor tanning increases the risk of melanoma, especially when exposed at an early age.9

Evidence from several studies has shown that exposure to UV radiation from indoor tanning devices is associated with an increased risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma.1,2, 9-11

A review of seven studies found a statistically significant increase in the risk of melanoma in those who had been exposed to UV radiation from indoor tanning before the age of 35.11

Studies have demonstrated that exposure to UV radiation during indoor tanning damages the DNA in the skin cells. Also excessive exposure to UV radiation during indoor tanning can lead to skin aging, immune suppression, and eye damage, including cataracts and ocular melanoma.1,12-15

Because UV radiation from indoor tanning can lead to skin cancer, eye damage, aging skin and immune suppression, it is not safe to use tanning lamps to obtain vitamin D.16

I love tanning. So I'm going to say it's good..even though I know it's bad lol..my mom has been tanning at least 2 times a week for about 20 years and she is pretty tan but not at all leathery. I think a lot of it has to do with your skin tone and genetics but either way I love it. Everything you do now a days gives you cancer so if it makes you feel better then why not do it?

I'm going to say it's bad, but I'd say tanning once a week isn't as bad as laying out in the sun every day.

I used to never go tanning. Now I'll go to a tanning bed about 3 times a winter. I've had a history of seasonal depression, and I'm mostly an indoorsy person so I don't get much sun anyway. A bit of sun helps to increase endorphins which help fight depression which is why I go. I've heard the tanning bed does the same as the actual sun, except it's like...prescription strength sun. haha.

I think it's more of the "in moderation" rule. If you never see the sun, going once in a while probably won't kill you. Never going won't necessarily hurt you. But going every day, or being in the sun everyday while ALSO going to a tanning bed probably isn't a good thing.

kinda like chocolate. it's probably honestly not really good for you, but it tastes so good and one bite won't make you fat. but too much and you might start tipping the scales!

I think just looking at my avatar will tell you that I'm most definitely not an advocate of tanning. lol!

It's damaging to your skin, will give you wrinkles prematurely, and (most importantly) will increase your chances of getting skin cancer...ESPECIALLY if you're naturally fair.

I don't bother with self tanners either; I've chosen to fully embrace my naturally pale skintone. And (considering that I live in Florida), I think it's just something that makes me stand out from everyone else.

ETA: Just thought that I'd add...I've had to have 3 separate biopsies testing for skin cancer since I was 8 years old. I'm at a high risk for skin cancer, and I've gotten lucky so far, but I'm not taking any chances. Not when something like this is so easily avoidable.

I am a total fan of mystic tanning. I know that I come with a natural tint.But it just evens your tone beautifully.

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif Here in oz, they are very, very hardcore about skin cancer, and a lot of the ads that we get also mention the danger of sun tanning beds.?

A have a friend who lived in Australia for a year and told me about that, you barely see any locals on the beach. I´m very impressed by the fact that it seems like everyone over there knows about the danger of UV exposure. But then again, with the high incidence of skin cancers in their past you understand why knowledge about it is crucial.
I used to go tanning randomly, once a week during winter. I´d do it one year, then not do it next year. But I do lay out in the sun, only my face adequately protected. I´d use self tanner on my face to be darker, but I like a real tan on my body

Just having completed my dermatology internship gave me the final push in the right direction though.

I had doctors tell me about 20 something year old Melanoma patients! Sooo scary! Of course those people are the ones who´d use tanning beds 3-4 times a week, regularly, on top of sun exposure in the warmer months. And lots of them start out so early! At the cheap tanning salon chains you see nothing but 16 year olds with the darkest tans. In winter-when everyone else is pale. It looks so fake, so cheap and I wonder if they are even realizing what they´re doing to their skin. Thank god that´s only the exception, but you never know if they´ll have to pay for that habit later on in life.

categorically bad, i would never use one of those things. i think they're worse than spending a day in the sun because the UV is sooo concentrated on those things. it's like an 80% chance of getting skin cancer. i think it's stupid to use them just to look a little bit brown when there are so many good fake tans out there.

Tanning is definitely bad. For a safe alternative you should try Mystic Tanning. I love it, it cost a little more and lasts about a week but its def better than leathery skin and cancer.

With so many warnings about skin cancer, do you really need to ask if tanning is bad or not? It's one of those situations kind of like those who smoke...you know there is a very high chance of getting lung cancer, yet they do it anyway becuase it gives them some kind of high...so now think tanning...what is the almost direct cause of all types of skin cancer? Uv rays....it's a personal choice but there are far more cons then there are pro's to tanning...major one being premature aging and sun spots....who needs that?!?!

i still think back to my childhood and the masses of people just baking in the sun trying to get that all over tan. that was the epitome of healthiness, funny how things change

Bad; it may look good in the meantime, but in the long run, you're going to regret it.

There is NOTHING healthy about a tan! If you want a tan, get a fake one! As Rosie said, skin cancer awareness is HUGE over here in Aus, we take it very seriously. My Dad has had to have several skin cancers cut out of his skin over the years from sun damage over the years, so I am very careful when I'm out in the sun, sunscreen all the way.

We constantly have commericals on TV about the dangers of skin cancer - this is the latest one.

Australia's NSW Cancer Council goes rap to promote skin cancer awareness - It's a Beautiful Day for Cancer

Very bad in my opinion... my aunt and her two daughters all had skin cancer. They all used to bake in the sun... and tan in the beds during the winter. As pretty as a nice tan looks... it's not worth the risk. I have a friend (she's my age, 28) who lives in the sun during the summers. Her skin is already a wrinkly old mess... I will not let that happen to me.

my mom has owned the #1 tanning salon in my town for about 4 years now and she's also a nurse so she really pays a lot of attention to the medical aspect of tanning. from what i have heard from her over the years, tanning can actually be pretty healthy for you. i'll ask her for some references and see what she can dig up for me because i know my word against everyone else's isn't much but i think my mom is a pretty knowledgeable woman and she's done her research on it.

thanks Alex! I think that would be really interesting to read.

I do know that apparently, women DO need vitamin D, that is found in UV rays? so a little sun is good for you perhaps... and it can also affect moods - some people have seasonal depression in those countries where there is very little sun in winter... I also think I've heard that whatever that country is where they only have a few hours of daylight in winter has the highest suicide rate in the world....

All of those things aside though, I think the argument against tanning is too serious to dismiss.

yeah, we definitely need the Vitamin D. I just read something about that almost everybody is not getting enough Vitamin D (unless you live in Florida perhaps), but you can take Vit D as a supplement so that´s no excuse. I´m not sure if Vitamin D is mayve even absorbed through skin that has sunscreen on it? Maybe, maybe not.

Also, about seasonal depression. I have it myself, and there is no need to use tanning beds, and I´m not even sure if they have a scientifically proven benefit for seasonal depression. What you can do is get those special lights that immitate sunlight, and they are not harmful to the skin, but proven to help some people with seasonal depression. It did help me a little bit, but chocolate helped more hehe

Nobody needs to stay inside 24/7 being afraid of the sun (although I hear that Dita Van Teese always has all the blinds closed in her hotel room so she can´t catch any sunlight and loose any of her paleness lol that´s kinda crazy), but people need to understand the fact that not everything nowadays causes cancer and therefore they can´t dismiss the actual dangers just cause apparently everything we humans do causes cancer anyway! A lot of things are suspected to contribute to cancer, you read about a new thing almost every day, that´s true. It may or may not proven to be true in the next study they do on that topic, and you may not know how big the effect is.

But some things, like smoking and excessive UV expsure, are known to cause cancer. And it doesn´t help that your uncle or grandma or neighbor spent years in the sun and hasn´t had cancer. You might as well be the unlucky only person in your circle to get it.

Originally Posted by Bec688 /img/forum/go_quote.gif There is NOTHING healthy about a tan! If you want a tan, get a fake one! As Rosie said, skin cancer awareness is HUGE over here in Aus, we take it very seriously. My Dad has had to have several skin cancers cut out of his skin over the years from sun damage over the years, so I am very careful when I'm out in the sun, sunscreen all the way.

We constantly have commericals on TV about the dangers of skin cancer - this is the latest one.

Australia's NSW Cancer Council goes rap to promote skin cancer awareness - It's a Beautiful Day for Cancer

pretty cool song actually, what a gread idea to raise awareness. But the red cancer-guy is sooo freaky! I almost didn´t wanna start watching the video because it looks so creepy and gross

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