Super Hot Halloween Costume Thread... forums

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Originally Posted by Pinkgirl84 /img/forum/go_quote.gif i think i might go as a sexy cop where did you get your halloween pics? In the 2nd link I posted above, that site has the CUTEST sexy cop shoes. I have a friend who wants to go into law enforcement and I told her to be a sexy cop and get those shoes. Just do a searc hin their shoes section and they should come up
I love the mad hatter one!! Here's a few





I haven't dressed up for Halloween for at least 6 years. I use to go to Halloween socials or the bar. I dressed up as Cleopatra. I bought the wig, full costume etc years ago.

My costume is similar to the one pictured below...


I prob wont dress up.I will be in uniform and as usual someone will ask where my costume is.I will say this is my costume,I'm really a boy.

I dont know yet. I'm so last minute and I usually switch costumes for every party.

That thread is giving me ideas though.

Well, I'm probably not goingto have a whole lot of money, but I want to have an a$$ kickin costume this year . . . something really sexy that will make people's jaws drop
I'll be back in Toronto by Halloween and I want to go out to a party or a club or anything. I'm so sick of feeling OLD and FRUMPY. I'm only 24 dammit!

uh...i'll be a sexy secretary....cuz i work and that's really what i do for a living lol

* as in attractive not as in being the office **** lmao....that sounded really odd

I'm being Marie Antoinette this year! Yay!

My best friend is going to be my handmaiden lol. I get so excited about halloween - better than Christmas!


I was a 'vampire fairy' last year! Haha!


I want to dress up this year again, too. I already have a costume: "Malice in Horrorland" (got it on clearance last year for about 3 bucks!) but my BF has to work. Wah.

Originally Posted by saintcloudgirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif Cool Vampire Fairy!! We did Vampire and Dark Fairy for our DVD. But I like this combination!! Thanks! That was after I got home, my makeup orginially looked alot better, and I didn't look so tired! You can barely see my wings

Anyway, this is what costume I was going to wear this year... I was gonna add stuff to it and make it look neater, too!


I love halloween, I'm gonna try and make sure I'm round at the girls flat with "no idea" for a costume before all of us go out. Sexy make over here I come

in oz halloween isnt a big deal so I've NEVER dressed up

those outfits look totally hot. I think it must be tough not ending up looking like a prostitute though for some people - *cough*paris hilton *cough*

Each year I'm debating about what to be...I've been an American Indian, I've been a Austrian Yodel I need to come up with something creative this year
Maybe something that's a little warmer...I was frozen solid last

My Girlfriends and I went out last year and dressed up. I went as a sexy witch. It was so fun.

Originally Posted by citre /img/forum/go_quote.gif Thanks! That was after I got home, my makeup orginially looked alot better, and I didn't look so tired! You can barely see my wings

Anyway, this is what costume I was going to wear this year... I was gonna add stuff to it and make it look neater, too!


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