This is cheap, and besides lasers, has been the only thing that made any difference in my stretch marks. I had tried all sorts of things. This does actually work if you stick to it. An asian woman with stretch marks invented this system through trial and error and made an ebook. It is only 20-25 dollars and is about 8-10 pages I think. She suggests using pretty easy to find ingredients. It is a massage with a massage tool using a mixture of ingredients at different rates in different time increments. So the way that she planned it out really does coincide with how the skin heals naturally. It is basically using the idea of a laser - using exfoliation so that the skin can grow back with stronger collagen and elastin bonds. I swear to God it worked for me. I figured it was probably not going to work, but it was only 20 bucks or so, and I really was desperate, so I tried it. My stretch marks not only improved, but the color, texture of skin, and skin firmness improved. I was more depressed at my skin lacking firmness after losing weight. So really that was the best part to me. But the exfoliation will make old stretch marks red again temporarily, meaning through the exfoliation action, a blood supply is becoming active again. And scars lack that because they are just misformed collagen bundles. So, here is the site. She also recommends foods and talks about medications that will cause stretchmarks or make them worse. The pill is one of them, which I took when I got mine. Teenage girls get them because of all the high hormone levels in their body. She also has some chinese medicine tips, which I find really interesting. It is worth a shot, and it worked for me. You can also do it as long as you want. And it doesn't matter how old the marks are. Mine were about 4 years old at the time and responded. I'm actually thinking of starting again since I lost more weight. I've sort of accepted my stretchmarks, but I want firmer skin too. I do sympathize with the bathing suit thing though. My stretchmarks used to make me miserable.
a home remedy to remove or fade stretch marks without laser surger
I also did fraxel laser treatments. There is new and improved fraxel laser which I am going to try soon. Treatments are around 900 dollars per treatment, and they recommend two. So it is expensive. But lasers DO make a huge improvement from my experience. The combination of these two things has really helped my skin. So maybe you cannot erase stretchmarks, but you can improve them to a point where you are comfortable and they don't bother you. It isn't important whether or not they exist or don't exist as long as you have an easier time accepting yourself. I have friends who literally have stretchmarks all over their entire bodies. One of them just vacationed in Key West. Most women have them, so we have to learn to accept them more or less. But I have had dramatic results with the combination of the lasers and this natural approach. Good luck to your sister...I can sympathize and so can many others.
p.s. - if your stretchmarks are new and red, retin a can work. Plastic surgery only works if you have excess skin with stretch marks that can be removed - i.e. - a tummy tuck where they remove loose skin. Still that doesn't remove all of them most of the time.
Wow...I didn't even notice someone posted this link since I just posted it. really did work for me. I mean, I also said fraxel lasers improved upon my results from using the ebook, but no, the system makes sense and does work. She will say that it cannot work for everyone - nothing can. And she doesn't want to give away too much info on the site about her system because otherwise people won't buy the ebook, but I tried strivectin and all sorts of other things and the system she's devised really does make sense and work. It is an exfoliation technique to mimic a laser - obviously not as strong as a laser. I'm not trying to push it, it just really did work for me, and I understand how people think it seems sketchy. But the woman who made up the system is just a regular person. You can email her with any questions and she is very helpful. So if it seems unsophisticated, that is why.
And mtgirl118 - my stretchmarks are on my breasts too. I went from a small B to a full C in a really short time and my skin just stretched too quickly. Now I am a small B again so you notice them more. I lost almost 50 pounds in less than a year this year.