Straightening curly hair? forums

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naturally, thick curly hair is really hard to keep straight. the only thing i can think of

is using a relaxer to make it less curly. that might do more damage in the long run though.

i would say instead of going poker straight, just style your hair to a point where its

not so curly. just mildy wavy- if that makes sense.

i know how frustrating it can be. i to have very curly hair and always tried to keep

it straight. after awhile, i just gave up and embraced my natural hair hair is thick and not straight but since ironing is not good for the hair so i just use shampoo and conditioner, hair mask for sleek and chick effect: sunsilk, redken, TREssemme are my fav.

Well relaxer to me a bit extreme, at least for my hair. I love my hair. I can have it curly or straight. Is very pretty but I guess I just have a hard time doing it myself. I just ordered the MaxiGlide. I will have it I guess for emergencies since my hair stylist is some what difficult to get her to do my hair sometimes.

Thanks for your tip

I also have thick, curly hair and I use a Chi flatiron, but like you said, it causes a lot of damage. I try to only straighten my hair twice a week (usually for the weekends) and then wear it curly or put it up in a messy ponytail the rest of the week so my hair will have a break from the heat. I hope you end up finding something that works for you!!

my thing is straightening is everyday life if you have curly hair you have the option of going straight it is what you do to maintain do you apply heat protectant do you use a serum do you condition twice a week that is taking care do you trim regularly and the truth is straightening is not healthy for your hair your hair dressers are right sometimes you need to give your hair a break let it rest breath for a while
