*Spoilers* September 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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Originally Posted by PaulaG /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Darn it... now I NEED this one:

Although I refuse to pay $68 for a hat.  I have one like this, just unembellished.  Maybe it's time for a DIY project!!!
I received that hat in black from Blush.com as one of their freebies during the winter months.  It is cute but the embellishments are only on one side.  

Oh wow... Yeah if I actually bought it and THEN realized it was only decorated on one side... 
!!!  Looks like I'll be making my own!

Sadly, this is one of the few hat styles that actually looks decent on me.  Although I've never heard of it called a "bubba cap".  
Originally Posted by numbersmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I bought this off of fab.com for $29 last December and two of the scarfs, although I think my scarf was a different shade and not the exact one from box.

And I luv it!
 numbersmom I must say I am jealous. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hey Gals-   I just got an email from Brokedown -  their running a sale this weekend on their website www.brokedownclothing.com  -  GET 50% with the code LABOR50  -   I got the love cadet hat and I LUUUUUV it!! 

I'm taking a break 'cause I was getting subbed out but I kinda miss it so I'm subbing for updates.  Hope you guys get an incredible box.

September wishlist/predictions:

- Deep mellow red lipstick and matching nail polish - in red wine color
- Exercise bag or yoga tote, something to carry gear and clothing
- Leg warmers or boot cuffs
- A fall best seller to read
-Bronzer or self tanner (to extend those summer tans a bit longer)
-A wallet
-Finishing cream for hair
-A really good moisturizer
-A fall scarf in bronze or fall orange
-A giftcard to starbucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte
I'd love some pumpkin themed items, maybe some spices to mix into cider or wine, some wine/berry colored makeup, and scarves or knit gloves. 

Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif

September wishlist/predictions:

- Deep mellow red lipstick and matching nail polish - in red wine color

- Exercise bag or yoga tote, something to carry gear and clothing

- Leg warmers or boot cuffs

- A fall best seller to read

-Bronzer or self tanner (to extend those summer tans a bit longer)

-A wallet

-Finishing cream for hair


-A really good moisturizer

-A fall scarf in bronze or fall orange


-A giftcard to starbucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte

Would they do another scarf so close to the last one? i would love it, haha. great ideas, I'd be so happy with half of that!

Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'd love some pumpkin themed items, maybe some spices to mix into cider or wine, some wine/berry colored makeup, and scarves or knit gloves. 
Although I also love pumpkin i really hope not. Pumpkin spice needs to hold it's horses! With the apple like theme in august and Starbucks bringing out the fall drinks already, I need to step my foot down! September is the real apple season and I don't want no october trying to sneak in and take it's thunder lol. (although seriously how does everyone already have their fall drinks? it's like last year when christmas decorations were everywhere before halloween!) And yes I know it was back to school theme, but just sayin'.
I searched on YouTube "popsugar fall" and this came up:

It might be a possibility for the monthly box or the fall edition box. I think it would be a great item to get. What do you guys think?
Updatesssss. I'm not getting a September box, but I'm excited to see what y'all get!

This is a question about the August box. Did any of y'all have a problem using the May Designs code that came w/ the journal? I tried to get on their website via the address maydesigns.com/popsugar and it wouldn't work, so I tried the code on their regular website and it still didn't work. Anyone else have any problems? TIA!

Originally Posted by stasi7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is a question about the August box. Did any of y'all have a problem using the May Designs code that came w/ the journal? I tried to get on their website via the address maydesigns.com/popsugar and it wouldn't work, so I tried the code on their regular website and it still didn't work. Anyone else have any problems? TIA!
Oh no! That's really strange! I used mine a week or so ago and it worked just fine. Hmmm
I wonder why yours won't work? Maybe shoot May Designs a quick email?

Originally Posted by have2haveit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I searched on YouTube "popsugar fall" and this came up:

I would Love a set of brushes like this! considering mine consist of a mish mash of different brands , an actual matching set would be great and the fact that it retails for $40 I would never pay that !!

Guess it's time to subscribe to this thread. It feels like months since the last PopSugar box... I almost wish they were weekly, though it's good for my wallet that they aren't!

Updates- here's to an amazing Septenber box!! I'm hoping for a beanie hat, makeup brushes & a fun read!!

Originally Posted by Shauna999 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Updates- here's to an amazing Septenber box!! I'm hoping for a beanie hat, makeup brushes & a fun read!!
I could do without a beanie, but I would gladly take some makeup brushes and would LOVE a good book! So excited for this month!! My boyfriend of almost seven years broke up with me a couple weeks ago and I'm just now getting back to normal and interested in these boxes again so I'm hoping September's PopSugar and Ipsy are amazing!


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