Originally Posted by
Ann Tucci /img/forum/
September wishlist/predictions:
- Deep mellow red lipstick and matching nail polish - in red wine color
- Exercise bag or yoga tote, something to carry gear and clothing
- Leg warmers or boot cuffs
- A fall best seller to read
-Bronzer or self tanner (to extend those summer tans a bit longer)
-A wallet
-Finishing cream for hair
-A really good moisturizer
-A fall scarf in bronze or fall orange
-A giftcard to starbucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte
Would they do another scarf so close to the last one? i would love it, haha. great ideas, I'd be so happy with half of that!
Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd love some pumpkin themed items, maybe some spices to mix into cider or wine, some wine/berry colored makeup, and scarves or knit gloves.
Although I also love pumpkin i really hope not. Pumpkin spice needs to hold it's horses! With the apple like theme in august and Starbucks bringing out the fall drinks already, I need to step my foot down! September is the real apple season and I don't want no october trying to sneak in and take it's thunder lol. (although seriously how does everyone already have their fall drinks? it's like last year when christmas decorations were everywhere before halloween!) And yes I know it was back to school theme, but just sayin'.