*Spoilers* September 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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No but really, can someone post a pic so I can stop obsessively reloading the page? Please? 

I'm excited about the headbands. I hope they turn out to be cute! I don't need coasters but they will be a nice to gift to someone. Everything else is okay...

I posted a spoiler! I went to my post office as soon as I saw it arrived, and asked if they processes it! Instagram under w1sgal

Quote: Originally Posted by wisconsin gal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I posted a spoiler! I went to my post office as soon as I saw it arrived, and asked if they processes it! Instagram under w1sgal

Unless I'm missing something, your account is private...

The lacklusterness (word?) of this box may have just thrown me into the arms of FabFitFun. Haha! I may sign up for their fall box if I still can. Anyone else signed up to receive that one?

Quote: Originally Posted by wisconsin gal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I posted a spoiler! I went to my post office as soon as I saw it arrived, and asked if they processes it! Instagram under w1sgal

You're private :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />.  And also my hero for going to the PO to pick up your box!!

JenV, I saw that u got a diffuser at target the other day on clearance, I was so jealous! I think I actually hugged mine, really nice scent.

I'm actually pretty intrigued by this box. It isn't as wonderful as some of my favorites from this summer (loved the scarf box, and the box with the sun hat!), but it sounds pretty fun! The DIY book looks interesting on Amazon, I was just about to pick up some new candles for my room but a diffuser will be just fine, and I'm excited to see the headbands. Hopefully I'll stay this excited when my box finally arrives 

Quote: Originally Posted by stasi7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The lacklusterness (word?) of this box may have just thrown me into the arms of FabFitFun. Haha! I may sign up for their fall box if I still can. Anyone else signed up to receive that one?

I just did last week... wondering how it will be since it is a little more than popsugar. I found a $10 code for a first box that was on another website reviewing their last box, but it didn't work. I e-mailed to see if they would honor it.... hoping it works!

Quote: Originally Posted by wisconsin gal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I posted a spoiler! I went to my post office as soon as I saw it arrived, and asked if they processes it! Instagram under w1sgal

SPOILERS (How do I hide them?)

Thanks! It looks pretty so far from what I can see! I was hoping for a candle or movie tickets but I actually almost bought coasters last week and need a diffuser so I won't complain

Quote: Originally Posted by wisconsin gal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I posted a spoiler! I went to my post office as soon as I saw it arrived, and asked if they processes it! Instagram under w1sgal

Yayy!! Thank you!! Could you post a pic of the headbands?? Or tell us what brand they are?? (sorry... I'm literally fiending over here)
