*Spoilers* September 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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Having this subscription and living in Cali is kind of a bummer. My Fall Style box is still in the initiation stage (since 09/04) and the label for the Stepmber box hasn't even been generated yet. :/ It should only take two days to arrive at my house from Gilroy. Come on Popsugar!

I'm so ready for a spoiler!! My :(box isn't showing up in fed ex, either. :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Yeah why didn't they just ship the other boxes at a different time? There's no need to have a fall box go out on 9/1. Those could have shipped late August if they wanted to go out earlier. Fall semester started a couple of weeks ago at most colleges.

My box isn't showing up in FedEx yet.  ):  I ordered the "Special Edition box" and got that this morning.  Love it!  But I kind of wish the sent out the monthly box in the beginning of the month like the usually do and sent out the special edition box later. No biggie...

😫My shipping info for the Fall Box has yet to update...it's been sitting in Gilroy, CA for a week now. My September box shipped yesterday and is already on the move...#thismakesnosense

My tracking finally works! but it's only at that "shipment info received" status. Yay for first box!! 

still nothing, although only slightly annoying bc I dont want to wait ha! what bugs me is

 no spoilers 
 i need someone to get their box. I NEED TO KNOW lol

I have a feeling we'll get spoilers tomorrow or maybe it's just my wishful thinking!!

I live in new york and still nothing. its still in processing. wish we all got our monthly boxes already. what i never understand is why does it go from new york to jersey to penn back to ny when it could get to my house in like 1-2 days but it takes 4-7 extra days to get to me. makes no sense to me.

Quote: Originally Posted by nikky25 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I live in new york and still nothing. its still in processing. wish we all got our monthly boxes already. what i never understand is why does it go from new york to jersey to penn back to ny when it could get to my house in like 1-2 days but it takes 4-7 extra days to get to me. makes no sense to me.

I live in upstate ny and I've never understood this either. its like our boxes are visiting relatives in other states before getting here! makes no sense at all

Yeah in the Atlanta area the boxes always seem to hang out in kennesaw for a day and then take days after that. They should just let us go up there and get the box.

I live near buffalo. Its just our luck that it takes a detour instead of straight to us.


its getting closer... :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />



 9/11/2013  -  Wednesday
10:45 am
Departed FedEx location


2:18 am
Arrived at FedEx location


 9/10/2013  -  Tuesday
11:13 pm
Left FedEx origin facility


10:10 pm
Arrived at FedEx location


5:06 pm
Picked up



Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah in the Atlanta area the boxes always seem to hang out in kennesaw for a day and then take days after that. They should just let us go up there and get the box.

Yes! I don't get it, my fall box has now gone from Ellenwood, to Atlanta, To Kennesaw, and now it's in Smyrna. I feel like they want to torture us! 

Mine goes through ellenwood and then Atlanta.... But because I love on the Alabama side near Columbus, GA, it then goes through the columbus post office (which I could drive to in less than 2 minutes) to the Montgomery one just to come back :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Mine is only 13 hours away from me :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

It seems that it moved faster this way than coming from CA.

I may have my box by the beginning of next week...it would be amazing if it was by the end of this week. 

So I'm a bit confused... I signed up today for PS. It said I will get October as my first month. I did monthly billing, but it says my next billing date is December 2013. Does this make sense to anyone? Because its really not adding up in my head. My thought are that I would pay for the first month now, but receive Octobers box. Then starting the beginning of November, I'd start the regular monthly billing. So I'm just not sure where December is coming from. Any ideas?

Here's a screenshot in case that helps it make a bit more sense to anyone. And the part that I cropped out with my name and all that says October Must Have Box.


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