*Spoilers* October 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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I think it will apply towards shipping too. (Re: c&c codes) but at a certain point shipping is free- I'm still deciding on what I want. They have 25% off sale items now with LASTCHANCE code

Quote: Originally Posted by jenannagain /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think it will apply towards shipping too. (Re: c&c codes) but at a certain point shipping is free- I'm still deciding on what I want. They have 25% off sale items now with LASTCHANCE code
can only hope that means that they will be ordering more items in stock. the items they have in the lower price range is limited.  the sizes in the other, more expensive, items are also limited so even if I were to spend money on items they don't have my sizes.  Of course, there are lovely $700 necklaces I am eyeing up. It would take quite a few gift cards to feel less painful. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I actually contacted Gorjana and Griffin directly. They are the nicest company I've ever dealt with. They are custom making both pieces at no charge longer for me. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffanybella82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I actually contacted Gorjana and Griffin directly. They are the nicest company I've ever dealt with. They are custom making both pieces at no charge longer for me. 
I wish there was some why they could do the same with the wrap bracelet they sent last year.

Has anyone used more than one stich fix code at a time? I remember reading we could use up to two. I was able to get another code and my first fix is scheduled for the 9th. Last week when I checked I had the $40 credit and today I only have $20. I was wondering if this happened to anyone else?


Quote: Originally Posted by ginmorel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Has anyone used more than one stich fix code at a time? I remember reading we could use up to two. I was able to get another code and my first fix is scheduled for the 9th. Last week when I checked I had the $40 credit and today I only have $20. I was wondering if this happened to anyone else?


One probably got used as your styling fee for your box arriving on the 9th.  

Quote: Originally Posted by elbowglitter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
One probably got used as your styling fee for your box arriving on the 9th.
Oh thanks! I didn't think of that. I figured it would still show as $40.

Quote: Originally Posted by ginmorel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Has anyone used more than one stich fix code at a time? I remember reading we could use up to two. I was able to get another code and my first fix is scheduled for the 9th. Last week when I checked I had the $40 credit and today I only have $20. I was wondering if this happened to anyone else?


I don't know how to help you on this, but I do have a stitchfix card that I'm definitely not going to use ever.  Are you interested in taking it in exchange for something else?

Quote: Originally Posted by Shauna999 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This happened to me too- no worries it's just the $20 styling fee they charge upfront

Thanks! Did you receive your fix already? If so, did you like what they sent?

the $20 card covers the $20 styling fee and $20 towards the purchase if you keep something right??? I also used 2 cards

I haven't received my fix yet- this is my first one & I'm super excited!! I did log into my account & I could see the list of items sent- no pics though. It's my understanding that the $20 is the styling fee & if you keep items the $20 is then credited to your total. If you keep all 5 items then u get 25% off too. :)

If anyone has a stitch fix code they aren't using I would love to trade for it! I have a gorjana code or my trade list is in my sig

I'm getting my Stitchfix next week and would love to trade for another card. I have an extra Gorjana code and some other things. PM me if you are interested!

Quote: Originally Posted by Lindsey Smith /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  has anyone gotten a jewery item from stitchfix code...for being plus sized? just curious what it would look like! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
not yet..i hope its nice and not all gold.


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