*Spoilers* October 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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if anyone wants my stitch fix code PM me. I wont be using. I will gladly trade for either the gorjiana or shoptiques codes of past boxes

! this box is kinda meh for me but I too am emailing them my displeasure. those of us who sub to ipsy get nyx in our bags there and really? I pay $10 for that bag.....I agree that nyx is low rent and should not be in a must have box. how about some whip hand cosmetics? they are a new up and coming made by hand cosmetics company with the most beautiful colors. lets get some lush in here...I could go on....

If anyone is interested in trading one of their gift cards/codes for a Stitch fix, let me know...  Usually I love all of Popsugars gift cards/codes but this one isn't for me.  Is there a trade thread on here for this???  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'd love to trade my Shoptiques code for anyone's Stitchfix code.

And even though I personally love Stitchfix, I agree with what a lot of people have been saying that it's rather unfair because they exclude all plus sizes. At least with the other codes from PopSugar you could get accessories and things that would fit any body type. But with Stitchfix you can't even get accessories if you are over size 14, which is really stupid. And from what I hear, if you're one of the larger sizes that they do carry (like 12-14) they usually won't have a box available for you until months later. I hope Stitchfix changes this soon and decides to include more people in their demographic. I also hope PopSugar realizes that it's insulting to a lot of their members to get something worth $20 that is completely useless. 

I get my box on Saturday so if anyone wants to trade my Stitchfix code for another let me know!

I can't decide what I'm most disappointed about -- the NYX (that I get in my $10 ipsy) or the fact that ONCE AGAIN PopSugar sent out a size based item.  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!?   Grrr..... The thong... the spa wrap... the floppy beach hat (don't judge - I have a head the size of a large watermelon).  I am over it.  I *just* cancelled.   I can't.  I just can't. I'll take my fat ass to Lane GIANT and buy myself a shirt with my $45. (and probably have $$ left over to buy a BOX of Rice Krispie treats)  Thanks anyway, Popsugar. 

Quote: Originally Posted by PinkShanyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I can't decide what I'm most disappointed about -- the NYX (that I get in my $10 ipsy) or the fact that ONCE AGAIN PopSugar sent out a size based item.  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!?   Grrr..... The thong... the spa wrap... the floppy beach hat (don't judge - I have a head the size of a large watermelon).  I am over it.  I *just* cancelled.   I can't.  I just can't. I'll take my fat ass to Lane GIANT and buy myself a shirt with my $45. (and probably have $$ left over to buy a BOX of Rice Krispie treats)  Thanks anyway, Popsugar. 

This just made me laugh...because its so true!!! I HATE that they sent out stuff like that, I really do.

Its like I know I am not at my ideal weight but I am working towards but I don't want to be reminded that I am not there yet or that I can't fit into adorable clothes, when everyone around me feels like they can. Then I feel disappointed in myself and I don't want to feel like that. 

I don't understand why they do this, didn't they sent out a Jewelmint or Mint gift card last time and people were also upset because shirt sizes only went up to a certain size? 

Our boxes better be doing something worthwhile in NJ. Like meeting Bon Jovi or something. That's the only thing I can think of that would keep me there for several days. Lol.
Lol ok THAT would make it worth it.
This just made me laugh...because its so true!!! I HATE that they sent out stuff like that, I really do. Its like I know I am not at my ideal weight but I am working towards but I don't want to be reminded that I am not there yet or that I can't fit into adorable clothes, when everyone around me feels like they can. Then I feel disappointed in myself and I don't want to feel like that.  I don't understand why they do this, didn't they sent out a Jewelmint or Mint gift card last time and people were also upset because shirt sizes only went up to a certain size? 
Yup, but with the *Mint card, you could at least get a scarf or jewelry. You weren't blocked from even getting an accessory if you were plus-sized.
I think they should have asked style fix if they would do an accessories only box for plus sized women who request it via the discount card. I mean all women love accessories !!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yup, but with the *Mint card, you could at least get a scarf or jewelry. You weren't blocked from even getting an accessory if you were plus-sized.

So it blocks you if you aren't a certain size that they provide?

I am going to be trading my Stitchfix card as well. Not sure what to trade it for as this is my first box and I'm not familiar with what the other cards I've seen mentioned are. I will have to do some research and see what is offered if anything!

Not a good box for a first box I'm afraid.

Quote: Originally Posted by skylola123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So it blocks you if you aren't a certain size that they provide?

That's what it sounds like people are saying. I haven't received my box yet, so I haven't tried, but chances are I probably won't bother using it whether I can use it regardless of size or not.  I have a tendency to not use these cards anyway.  I think I have three or four assorted cards from various PopSugar boxes in my wallet right now that I've tucked away for "later," and then "later" never quite happens.

ETA:  Ah, I found something in their FAQ that basically says that if you're above a size 14, you're out of luck:

Quote:   Who can use Stitch Fix? We are able to offer our styling service to women located in the United States. Right now, we are able to style women sizes 0/XS–14/XL due to the sizes available from the brands we work with. As we grow, we hope to be able to offer more sizes in the future.

It does not say anything about being able to do an accessories-only selection.

So just to recap...  They are going to charge us MORE each month, because they gave us a survey for preferences.

Meaning they've had to of READ those preferences to do so starting next month.

So they know a good portion of their subscribers are above a size 14 (based also on past issues with size related items as well).

Meanwhile at PopSugar..."What the hell?  Let's send them all a coupon/gift card to a place that wont service anybody over a size 14!  That sounds like an excellent box item!  Maybe they can hang it up on their fridge to motivate them to lose the chunk!"

((This is the only thing I can think of their reasoning behind this box item))

I can deal with the drugstore makeup, hair brushes, etc.  I think this is a crock of crap about this card though, since we can't even use it on accessories if we're over a size 14.  Last time I checked, other than ring sizes (which don't correlate to pant/shirt size) and bracelet sizes, accessories didn't come sized.

I think PopSugar owes us $20!  :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

If anybody else actually can use and wants another stitchfix card, I'll trade you mine for a shoptiques card, just PM me.

I normally go spoiler free but Popsugar shipped my box so late - it only started to ship yesterday - that I wanted to see what we were getting to make some decisions about the rest of the subscription given the price hike.  I wish they would have shipped at the same time so I didnt have to read all this here first.  I think I would be ok with the box if it arrived.  Not madly in love.  But ok.  I completely understand everyone not being jazzed by it.  Wondering if offering this helps? According to PopSugar's FAQ's their box fits 18-40 yr olds.  That's quite a range.  This particular box seems a bit skewed toward one end of the demographic.  It might completely fit some folks.  Sounded like the August one did as well (it didn't do much for me either but I gave most of it away) - with a bit of back to school theme.  At the end of the day, guess we all need to decide if we are comfortable with the new price point and the gamble of getting something that fits us or fits another demographic.  Now if only they would get this box to me.  Looks like Saturday or Monday...

I just tried another email address and answered with a smaller size but put my true weight and height in and it still kicked me out.  :/  

This will be going to my sister who is taking 'meth' to loose weight.  (NOT REALLY!!!!)  She's taking adipex which I call her 'diet meth' because it spazes her all out and makes her not hungry all day.  She's lost 100+ in 6 months, SHE can use this card... HOWEVER, I prefer the healthy and slow method of losing weight.  So i'll be able to use the card sometime in 2025.  :/ 

***Please note, I'm not really as salty towards Popsugar as I sound. (because I GET IT -- I'm a fatty)  I am just deeply hurt by the fact that their WEBSITE says they don't send out items where sizing would be an issue -- and I've had issues during NUMEROUS months.  It's more than a little disheartening***

If anyone wants to buy this box off of me because for some reason they love all the stuff in here, please contact me.  First popsugar box and I am thoroughly disappointed.

And I wrote that before reading all the stuff about the sizing issue.  It wasn't in regard to anyone in particular's s post.  Just the overall feel I have from reading the reviews of the box.  Just offering a bit of .. I don't know...  trying to pull the tone back a little. 

I am so, so glad that this was not the box I started my subscription on. I signed up so late that it was sold out.

I really hope they heed their customers' concerns.

As for Stitchfix? I'm right on that line (I wear a 12-14) and even I would have been disappointed with that gift card. A 12-14 is not a universal size, and sizing would have been an issue for me, especially since I'm petite as well.

Oh and Popsugar? Rice Krispy Treats are what I used to make for dessert when I was unemployed and living off of $50 a month, yes, a month, of groceries. It is the very definition of poor people food, and I'm a little insulted they included it in their $40 box. Not a good impression.

I have yet to receive my box (it's still sitting 30 min from me) even though people in my area started getting them Monday. This is my very first Popsugar Box and I'm a little disappointed. for a $35 (and soon to be $40) I expect to be blown away. If this were a $20 box it would be great but...I don't know, perhaps my expectations are too high? Most of these items will end up in the hands of my girls or as gifts. I subscribe to boxes for me, not to fill up the present chest.  (I do have to thank the people who posted about the Birchbox Head of the Class tween box, I ordered that for my girls.) 

I was expecting, you know "Must Haves" -- trendy items you need for the month, probably selected around a theme. Also, since it's October, I'd been hoping for things like a scarf or a candle or fuzzy socks, but since it's 90 degrees here I've been obsessing about winter. I don't mind the rice krispie treat, the girls will probably gobble that down, leaving only a bite or two for me. 

I won't use the stitch fix card either. So I guess it's up for trade. (I'm a little new to this.) 

Overall I'm not sure I want to continue--especially with the price increase, which makes me sad since I wanted to love this box so much. 
