*Spoilers* December 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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I really wish popsugar would stop including crap I can get at Rite Aid in their boxes. Ghirardelli? REALLY? The NCLA nail wraps are cute for like a 13year old. Wrapping paper? Maybe I'm being too uppity or something but I can't believe how lame these boxes have been the past few months. I'm annoyed with this. My mom asked for a PS for Christmas so I gifted her a sub and god she is going to be so disappointed, as am I. I hate this box.
Ya I totally agree, I'm kind of ambivalent about this box but was so disappointed with October's!
Yep...RiteAid has been running specials lately and I got a ton of Ghirardelli with a coupon and paid $1 or less each bag. I was crushed when I saw the chocolate in this month's box...really?!?

The more I think about it the more pissed I get lol. Paper and chocolate?! Really popsugar? I only sub to these things to be introduced to items and brands I've never used. So far popsugar has introduced me to overpricedfake jewelry and junkfood lol.

I'm also irritated with the multiple food items thing. There's nothing in this box that is the least bit exciting for me. It's all cheap garbage with the exception of the mascara(maybe) and the bracelet. Plastic champagne flutes? Whoop de freakin doo. That'll be great for when I bring my own flutes to a New Years party (what???) or go on a picnic in 8 months. I still can't get over the wrapping paper thing though. I literally am gifting my mom a box that has Christmas wrapping paper INSIDE OF IT on Christmas. Please forgive my negativity but I have been up the past 2 nights with a conjested baby and am severely sleep deprived haha.

This is my first box with Popsugar and I can't say I'm over-the-moon about it. I know some people weren't happy with November's box but I actually signed up because I thought that one was really nice. I'm a crazy couponer and I have a massive drawer full of chocolate that I get for pennies, and there's plenty of Ghirardelli in there. So getting not only one, but TWO bags in this box was kind of a massive let down. And then popcorn on top of it? Just seems like a lot of food items in one box.

I'm looking forward to the wine glasses, the bracelet and the mascara. Everything else just kind of seems like a throw-away item.

If this box wasn't $40 a month I feel like it would be nice. I understand that the bracelet is a pricey item but it's not something I would personally even spend $10 on as I have to LOVE a piece of jewelry for me to buy it.

Not enough disappointment for me to cancel after just one month, but I think my fiance (who I begged to buy me a subscription to PS) is probably going to look at me like I'm crazy for wasting $40 when he sees the chocolate and the dang wrapping paper...lol

Does anyone know how much wrapping paper there is? I'm assuming I'm wrong but it looks like one sheet of tissue paper in the pictures.

This is my first box too. I am not hating anything in the box from what I see in the spoilers but I'm more like meh to it. I'll give it another month but I was really hoping this would have been a great book box or some real wow factor considering the price increase.

Quote: Originally Posted by plumplant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I really wish popsugar would stop including crap I can get at Rite Aid in their boxes.

Ghirardelli? REALLY? The NCLA nail wraps are cute for like a 13year old. Wrapping paper? Maybe I'm being too uppity or something but I can't believe how lame these boxes have been the past few months.

I'm annoyed with this. My mom asked for a PS for Christmas so I gifted her a sub and god she is going to be so disappointed, as am I.

I hate this box.
This is my least favorite box... they sell these chocolates at the check out at marshalls.  I might like the bracelet will have to see it in person. I hope the  other box this month I ordered is better . Jan will be my last month and I am taking a break from popsugar . to many things I just don't like want or need lately

Regarding the ghirardelli, isn't popsugar from the Bay Area? Because going to ghirardelli square at Christmas time for cocoa is kind of a festive local thing to do. My husband is from there and he and his family love the little squares at Christmas time. Of course I would die if I saw see's candy in a box, which is what I think of when I miss CA. Anyway just a thought.

ughh really I got this mascara is my BB sometime ago and am not impresses. I prefer a different brand altogether when it comes to fiber mascara (imju its amazing) this box to me really crapped out this month . I was hoping for amazing.....chocolate I can buy at the drugstore and wrapping paper....so not happy although don't get me wrong the chocolate will get eaten but I don't see how these are must have items. its like these were leftovers and they just chucked them in boxes

I was thinking the same thing about the chocolates. I can get them at any drugstore but I like the idea of chocolates just a different brand. I really don't understand why we got fancy wrapping paper if it's just going to be ripped and thrown down the garbage. That's why I get cheap paper. The bracelet I'm kind of upset about because I don't know the value of it and I would like to know the exact price of the box.

Aren't the chocolates listed as an extra though? So they wouldn't count towards the value anyway. As far as I'm concerned, they can send extra chocolate whenever they like!

I'll take the chocolate and the popcorn! I'm happy they finally included milk chocolate. I hate dark chocolate and all of my boxes send dark chocolate every single time.

I love the bracelet! How pretty for the holidays. I think this is a terrific box and the value it great. Personally, I will gift most of it because items are perfect for women of all ages in my family, but not the bracelet. That's for me!

I don't hate this box, but I don't love it. Everything will get used, but I don't think it's worth $40. From the photo, I don't think I'll like the bracelet. As for the nail decals, they will be cute if not overdone. Just put them on one or two fingers. Everything else will get used. Side thought, the chocolate, glasses, bag from last month, and a bottle of wine would make a nice gift.


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