*Spoilers* December 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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This is my first Popsugar.  I got a three month subscription before they raised prices.  I'm really excited about the flutes, I've seen those on another website and they are so cute.  The rest of the box isn't very impressive.  I dunno, maybe I will like it more once I get it in hand.  I guess for the price I paid its not a bad value.

Looks like I'll have an extra 40 bucks a month after this box. So many of the previous boxes looked amazing. :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I guess the LE BOX will determine whether or not I dump PSMH entirely. But no more sub for me after last month and now this.

If you don't mind the extra $10 and are leaving ps there's always fabfitfun. They have two spoilers out for the winter box. I am keeping both for now.

If FFF were a monthly sub I would totally ditch PopSugar. Their stuff is a lot better IMO and I get more use out of it. I just need that monthly lifestyle box fix though so it's hard to give up PS.

Yay! I love everything, I'm so excited for this box!!!! Especially the eye item is my favorite one ever, anyone who is trading that I will take them all!!!!

FFF is definitely producing better boxes for me. I almost cancelled it until I saw their first spoilers. I would love it if it was monthly sub.

I think I'll like this well enough, but it is not compelling me to stay. I've had the box from the beginning and have held on over the time I could justify it financially. I think I'll drop down to just FFF as it is quarterly. Pop Sugar seems to be putting more emphasis on their LE boxes which are a bit pricey for me.

I am totally fine with the spoilers, and glad that I am also gifting one.... Good variety, fun items, good bang for the buck!

Quote: Originally Posted by Lolo22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yay! I love everything, I'm so excited for this box!!!! Especially the eye item is my favorite one ever, anyone who is trading that I will take them all!!!!

I do actually really like the box this month, but I'm still not sure if it's worth the $40 or not. I guess I'll wait one more month and see.

Quote: Originally Posted by Lolo22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yay! I love everything, I'm so excited for this box!!!! Especially the eye item is my favorite one ever, anyone who is trading that I will take them all!!!!

Off to check your trade list.....

I'm so glad I couldn't resist the spoilers !! Initially I was planning on gifting some of the items from this box to a friend but I actually liked everything for myself after seeing the spoilers. So instead I immediately decides to gift her a three month sub so that she can start getting her boxes from dec ( her bday month and Christmas ) !! Now if only I had decided this earlier I would have got the necklace or could have used the coupon code the has for their Black Friday deal. But as usual I'm always late to the party !! Lol!!

Does anyone know if the charm is removable from the bracelet? I'm not quite a charm bracelet person, but the basic chain looks quite nice :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Also, I'm weirdly excited for the wrapping paper.

I was kind of disappointed at first, but it has grown on me. I also missed two coupon codes, there is one for the high value item (25% off full value purchases from the website) and one for the item in the small thin box ($10 off and a free product on the site).
When you say there is a coupon code for the small thin box do you mean the NCLA? If so what exactly does it read on the coupon if you don't mind me asking. I'm considering a purchase of their galaxy nail strips and a coupon code may tip the scales.  
Yikes... Underwhelmed again this month. Especially with the price increase. Really hoping the LE box is amazing!! But I think I'll be canceling PS and keeping FFF. They had a rocky start, but it seems like they're starting to learn and work out the kinks. I find I'm much happier with them now than I am with PS.

I really doubt that bracelet has a retail value of $198, who knows it may be of lesser quality than their regular stuff because it was made specifically for PS. I think the wine glasses are kind of odd they seem like more of a summery thing, actually weren't they in one of the summer boxes too???!!

Quote: Originally Posted by stephstrong /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think the wine glasses are kind of odd they seem like more of a summery thing, actually weren't they in one of the summer boxes too???!!

Since they're flutes, not wine glasses, I think they're meant for New Years Eve! Champagne flutes.

Hmm…  I'm not kicking myself for keeping the box one more month, but I won't be sad to see it go when I cancel.  I would love to keep it for January since that's my birthday month, but I'm wary about a potential heavy-on-fitness-items box like last year's.  That just wasn't fun *at all*.  These boxes are just bringing in far too many *things* into my life that I just don't use, and if I really want something, I'll probably be able to swap for it.  If not, I don't need it.  I have too much *stuff* right now.  I need to get rid of a lot of it instead of adding to it!


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