If it's the double chain rose gold baubal bar you are looking for I will totally trade mine with whatever you have to offer . I've never worn it and it still sits in its pouch in the popsugar box with the rest of the stuff I haven't got to yet. Let me know what you would like to offer to trade for it and maybe we can figure it out. I've never traded before so I have noooo clue how !!I love the Bauble Bar necklace! I might have to try to trade for it!
Yep! I agree, which box had the silly breast cancer bracelet for an est worth of $45, but was more like something u would buy on clearance at old navy for $1. That's where I estimate how much I would personally be willing to spend on the item. This dec box, hmm Nail wraps: $3 Wrapping paper: $4 Plastic flutes: $6 Popcorn: $2 Mascara: $8 (it's not that great, but would pay more for better) Bracelet: $5 Chocolate $8 for both That would bring my personal worth/total of $36 ish, and that is just below the value of the price of the box. I definately would price other boxes differently, and some items are so worth the actual cost. For instance the luluah body wash for $12 was it? So amazing and will buy again. I love popsugar, but yeah, I feel some items are inflated in price. I'll be honest I do like seeing the items are worth more, but there is Pom for improvement.Not to be a complete bah humbug here, but does anyone ever suspect that Popsugar makes a deal with a brand, only to have that brand's website post an overly-inflated item price so we can all say wow, that was a pricey box/item value? Just saying. Something should only be worth what you think it should be worth. I feel like things have gotten to a point where box value is trumping box curation. I want curation. If that curated value meets the box cost, I would be happy.Â