I just wanted to say "No, I do not work for Social Bliss" however I will say I am a bit surprised to read all the negative feed back.
No matter what you may think about their items or the quality of, I will say I have had nothing but a great experience with there customer service.
I received my July purse with a crease in it. I wrote customer service and they said they would replace my bag for me. Not only did they replace it but it literally came two day's later! And they said I could keep the original one purse. "Tammy" was my customer service rep and she is truly amazing!
In March when I wanted to order a strap for my purse customer service again was on it. Sent the strap out within 2 days. Their shipping does rock.
I have had a great experience with them and their products. Love all their purses and wallets. I can never have to many purses. Some months are a bit hit or miss but that is with any sub box.
(I wanted to post the email conversation but I can not figure out how to cut and paste it on here or even attach it).
Anyway, I just wanted to put this out there for anyone who is unsure of Social Bliss and that not everyone's experiences are bad.
Thanks Again Tammy!

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