YELLOW!?! Pictures, please!I just got mine this morning! So happy! I got this gorgeous honey yellow color Izzy Ali bag. I generally buy neutrals so this will be a nice change for the summer. The earrings are nice but I already have a similar pair. So my earrings will be up for trade. Is there forum for that somewhere?
I received the grey bag and the flap doesn't align properly to the body of the bag...its fine on one side, but the other side sticks out a good inch! I sent them an email and included some pictures. Normally with a sub box I wouldn't mention anything, but my friend pointed it that if I were buying it in a store (for the $200+ price point) and it wasn't aligned properly, I probably wouldn't drop the money for it...we'll see how they respond! This is my first socialbliss experience, so fingers crossed!!Has anyone else noticed quality issues with the purse? No big deals, but my latch is off center and the inside pocket material is all bunched up like it moved before the glue dried. I don't know if it's worth contacting SB about. I don't want it to turn into a huge hassle, but I am a little bumbed.
.However, the sparkly earrings have a $50.00 value? Really?
Social Bliss ships from Irvine, CA. Or at least, my box did.For those wanting a picture of the yellow/mustard bag, here's one I found on Facebook! I am still waiting for my bag, but I think I will be getting it tomorrow? Not sure, I got a random email that I had a shipment coming. Does SB ship from PA?
Thanks for posting a picture!For those wanting a picture of the yellow/mustard bag, here's one I found on Facebook! I am still waiting for my bag, but I think I will be getting it tomorrow? Not sure, I got a random email that I had a shipment coming. Does SB ship from PA?