Got my box! I like the purse. I got the pink one, which I'm happy about. I'm fine with just using the top handle for now, but I think I might look into buying a shoulder strap from eBay or something. With a shoulder strap, I'd use that bag all the time. The brush set is nice--I can always use more makeup brushes, and the roll is cute and handy. The headband is pretty, although I couldn't figure out where to put the bow without looking ridiculous. I tried to untie it and realized that the bow part is actually detachable--so now I will wear it without the bow, and I like it much better. I'll probably tie the bow onto the purse, which will be even better. The lip balm is always useful, and I like the smell of the soap. I do wish it were a regular bar, rather than hotel-sized, but if I think of it as an "extra", I'm fine with it.
Overall, this wasn't my favorite SB box (that would be last month's), but I do like it, and I'll use everything I got!
Also, this is silly, but is anyone else just a bit disappointed that there weren't macarons included in the box? I know they'd be tricky to ship without crumbling into pieces, but still! I don't usually care to get food items in sub boxes, but I love macarons!