So I just took my extensions out...the HORROR! forums

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Aug 31, 2005
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Ok well here's the scoop.

I've had extentions in my hair since June. I have the kind that is sewn in in individual strands and I have never had a problem. When I usually do my extentions I leave them in no more than 3.5 months. This time I left them in for 5 cause I really didn't wanna part with them...

Well tonight I just had to take em out. I had scheduled an appointment to go back in this Thursday for a new head of extentions. So I pull em all out and OMGGG I lost ALOT of hair! I mean my own hair was coming out in clumps!!! I did a MAJOR treatment and used some strong conditioners ect. I blow dried my hair and I swear I have nothing but a little rat tail in a ponytail right now. I don't know if its because I'm not use to having a "normal" head of hair or what. What can I do within the next few days to get some strength back in my hair? I don't know what to do because I have another appointment on thurs for a new set and I dont know if my hair can handle it right now... but at the same time I need hair! I can't walk around looking like this ugh :icon_eek:

YOW! I have never had extensions so I am sorry, I suck and I can't help!

But if it helps I am definitely praying for your poor hair! AWW!!

You can use volumizers and deep conditioners... but honestly - there is really nothing you can do but leave them out for awhile and let your hair come back on its own to its natural state. It's kind of like acrylic nails... they look great - but they do a number on your natural nails... :icon_conf Sorry hun.. hope for the best!

Crap.. i knew you were gonna say that :icon_bigg

Ugh its just so hard, I've had them in for 2 years (1 set after another)- I feel so weird without them. Nakkid almost! My head is so light and bouncy now haha. I gotta decide by tomm I dont want to cancel last minute on my hairdresser-- i'm confused!

Thats up to you hun... lol ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> If you like them, get them... if not - let your hair do it's thing for awhile. Honestly if you see a big change in your hair from before you had them... and now --- I'd wait. Better a month of awkwardness now, then it being worse a few months from now had you gotten another set. :icon_conf

True... do you think a month is enough time though? What happens to the hair in that timeframe? I mean you can't exactly grow a full head of hair again, so I'm curious as to what happens to help strengthen in in that time?

Well, just not being smothered by the extensions will help toughen it up a bit. Also use a strenthening treatment, or Infusium. Keep conditioning, and be GENTLE with it! It's hard to say exactly how long it'll take for it to come back to normal... but at least the texture should improve rather quickly. A friend of mine had extensions for years... and her hair was like almost non-existant when she took them out. It took about a month before her hair seemed fuller... so that's why I say a month. But it can be different for everyone. It's ok if it takes time to grow out long, you just want to make sure what you have is healthy and the thickness returns. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have used it, it is good stuff! Yeah it is a drugstore brand... I LOVE their leave in treatment too...

My advice would be to give your hair a rest, cause if you put extensions in your hair, you may not have any hair left the next time you pull them out!:icon_eek:...Let your hair relax and use good conditioners, if you want thicker healthier hair you can buy pills that are sold in special health food stores, that help strengthen your hair. Good Luck!

I was thinking that maybe your hair loss is just hair that hasn't been able to fall out and so it seems like a lot coming out at once? I mean hair that would have normally fallen out with normal brushing/shampooing and now that you have taken the extensions out it is able to fall out?

What kind of extensions did you have? Perhaps there is a gentler type of extension you could get?

Perhaps you could put in half the amount of extensions in and slowly wean yourself off them.

Definitely give your hair a rest for a few months. I have seen that happen with other friends.

I have to agree with everyone else, your hair needs a rest, it will b hard but it takes a long time to grow back properly after neglect (i dont mean u neglected ur hair but extentions arnt the best for it)

Hope every thing works out for u!

Thanks for the advice all. I do think that some of the hair that came out was of course because normally our hair sheds but mine couldn't because it was in ext but this was an abnormal amount. I never had this problem before when I left them in for 3 or so months. I think I left them in too long and my hair couldn't breath :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm still debating whether to get another set in although I don't think i have a choice I probably will. Its holiday time and lots of parties, pictures ect. What a great time of year for this travesty to occur-- just my luck!!!

Well good luck! Maybe you can try that Perfectil stuff being talked about in Trisha's hair thread...

Why dont you try the temporary clip in ones? simple..easy..and not damaging to the hair at all...esp. if you want a nice look for the holidays.

I wish you the best of luck, I'm sure it's going to be hard to get through the next few months.

Well not 2 yrs straight. I've always taken them out for at least 2-3 weeks in between sets and then put them back on. My past times taking them out weren't this bad. But actually I wore my hair down today at work and everyone liked my hair without the extentions! Weird sometimes you think its worse then it really is I guess :icon_conf

it's just something your not used to and feels weird. i say give your hair a break and let it get back to a healthy state. who knows, maybe you'll end up liking your hair without the extensions!


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