Haha, aww I am sorry! I am only putting up 6 at a time (12 a week) so that I don't get overwhelmed.. They usually go pretty fast, that is why I posted here when I add them. I know that once you get a sample, you can't get a sample again so the people who are getting them now won't be able to see them next time.
Originally Posted by Jwls750 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh my gosh. How many do you put up because I've been up since 9am(EST) and I have been checking SS like, every ten minutes and I keep getting that pop up that says "there will be more samples soon." So it keeps telling me there is no samples I can get. I'm so mad. I specifically wanted to get your shadows!!! I know you said you are putting them up Mondays and Fridays. I'm dying!!! /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />