Should i go natural-er..?? forums

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Oct 19, 2006
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ok long story short, i am a natural dark blonde, and i used to get highlights for years to make it a little blonder, until i decided i wanted platinum white hair, so i had that a few months and completely fried/screwed up my hair, so i dyed my hair brown and left it alone, now a year later its almost black, and i love the color. but i feel like i a need a change, plus i think blonde is soo much cuter in the summer. i tried asking my bf for advice and hes just like whatever, he likes it dark, and my friends are 50/50. so i was wondering what you guys think. i dont want it platinum anymore, just a highlighted blonde.

thx in advance

here's pictures for ref. oh and the blonde pictures are really old, i couldnt find any better pictures of my hair

i might need to make the blonde bigger. sorry about the stupid face also

i think you should go in small steps, maybe go to a medium brown?

cause to get back to a blonde the bleach will kill your hair

so if you want to get back your normal color, go slow, and make sure you take really good care of your hair

I like the darker better. Maybe get some highlights to break up the color?

I agree with everyone else..your hair looks nice dark. Perhaps add some lighter highlights to your dark hair or even some red. It'd be way too damaging to go from dark to light.

Raven tress, jade eyes such beautiful qualities!

I don't particularily like to suggest changes to people, but I think if you really want to change your hair color a nice medium brown will suit you. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I like both the blond and the dark brown. I think for the sake of your hair you should not go lighter then a medium brown.


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