See You on the 4th Marie-Line!!!! forums

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Originally Posted by Laura Well how are ye getting on girls?? Having fun? We wanna hear all the stories
I thought you'de never ask! Thanks Laura
, Well so far we are having a great time. For the first few days after Marie-Line arrived and we welcomed her i left her to settle in the accomodation i had arranged for her and we had short visits inbetween. I know that she felt very nervous on the plain on the way over, especially as it was smaller plane than she had thought,.i belive she was shaking with nerves the whole flight.

I was supposed to collect her from the Airport but i had to send my bf and bestfriend to collect her from the airport. Luckily Thomas spotted her and found her no problemo and he and Al drove her here to mine. Whilst they were collecting Marie-Line, i was on a mission to get everything perfect and sparkling.On arrival i went down to meet her as she was getting out of the car and i immeditly recgognised her from her photo and she was wearing black.(so do i) She looks like a slightly younger but slimmer version of me. We are very similar! Her name Marie-line, is pronounced "MarieLin", or "Marylin". i say it with a pretend French accent. People looking at us would think we were sister;s as we are both very pale. Marie-Line has told me i could easlily be a French woman as i am jealous and passionate over Thomas. I told her i am a brave lady for letting a girl 11 years younger and slimmer than me into my home
However, anyone who truley knows me knows i like a challange and i thrive on a bit of competiton. Anyway, back to the subject, for the first few days the weather was raining but then on the 3rd day it was absolutley beautiful. The sun was shinning so we took a long leisurley walk into town and chatted about jumping on the ferry to visit Laura in Cork. Marie-Line was teaching me some French. We met up with 3 of my friends and went for a coffee. I had a Mocha (with cream yum yum)and Marie-Line had an Expresso and the boys Tam and Justin a cappachino.Earlier on in the day i asked Marie-line for her camera and took some photo's. She took one of me mid air on a swing in a swing park next to where i go training.

I have been keeping to my gym routine and tomorrow we are all traveliing to Paisley to watch a KSW Demo. We will take some photo;s!!!!

So far i have introduced her to a few of my friends and we have all got along well and the conversation never stops even when Big Brother is on..haha

Luckily Marie-Line has a lot in common with myself and my friends, i can tell you now she has the men enchanted!! ( i get jealous)....Meaowwwwww! but as we all get along so well we have a good laugh
I know Maire-Line know;s i am a Total makeup addict as it is everywhere and we have watched QVC Beauty Workshop and talked MUT! Marie-line has amazingly beautiful skin (i am So jelaous) and she told me of some amazing treatments they have in France for skincare.(it just goes to show that different countires have different skincare sciences). Marie-line is going to put some photo's up

Oh fabulous! Cant wait to see some pics. It sounds like ye're having a ball. I hope the weather stays nice for ye now. Keep us updated on your adventures

sounds like a good time!!

you should meet up with them laura!

Hi Girls,i promise the photo's will be up soon,.to be honest we took loads tonight but i am just back home after taking Marie-Line to see the KSW Demo and she met Sbn Don my Instructor,and everyone wanted to shake hands with her (and me)!!! then we went to visit another friend of mine in Glasgow for a coffee on the way home. We have all done nothing but talk for hours on end.That is a great sign that things are going well.I am learning some new French words and all about Marie-Line's family and culture.She has us all captivated with her sexy accent (which i am trying to and exciting tales.I know her Mother is an amazingly beautuiful woman and a great cook. This lady can talk 4 dfifferent languages and she is great company
We are really getting on well together.I love her! She;s Brill!! Oh and when i met her to go on the outing, she gave me a brilliant compliment as i was dressed up (in black) with my sliver and black shoes and silver jewelry.As a person she is great, she is able to give compliments and is very gracious.

I know she has had a great time as she has gone to bed ready for sleep and tomorrow is another busy day. The photo's will definatley be up soon but everytime we go out we dont get back for a while and by then its late. I may run on a few hours sleep but French women are very strict about getting their Beauty sleep.Marie-Line eats only really good quality food and mostly raw, like fresh fruit and vegetables. I have been so busy i haven't managed to surprise her with a gorgeous fruit salad yet (my speciality) i love them!

Tomorow i think she will visit the French Institute and we are taking a trip to go clothes shopping. I am looking forward to our outing and i know the next 3 weeks are gonna be brill.

I am so glad that this holiday all came together and is working out even better than i imagined


See my new hairdo! My ****s arent that big, it's the t shirt! I took this earlier today.

Thanks Charmaine, thats so sweet of you.To be honest with you, how i look now is nothing how i looked when ML was here(for her first 10 days).When she first arrived i hadn't slept for about 4 nights and my Mother had just been diagnosed with Liver disease and my Gran was seriously ill in hospital.By the time ML arrived here i was ill with tiredness and my face was a mess, all bloated, swollen and tear stained but i put a brave face on it and she was very understanding. I had really bad PMT as well.By the 10th day of ML stay i had come down a whole size and looked like a different woman. I have some photo's to show everyone to.

We went to Pitlochery (a famous Loch) and took a few friends along. It was raining but that didint stop me from doing a powerwalk round the Loch (good excersie) and getting soaked.There was some puffing and panting as we trecked round the loch but the scenery was nice and the air was Fresh.

We also all went on a night out (11 of us) and boy did i dance all night! I think i have a photo on my camera phone (will try and post it)

We also went to a KSW demo in Paisley (i have photo;s of that too)

Marie-Line went on a trip to Loch Ness for a few nights (by bus and stayed in a BB overnight, think it was near Loch Ness) I am sure she enjoyed herself as she took lots of photo;s. Also she visited Edinburgh Castle and met up with another French lady friend.I will try and get the piccies in for everyone to see.

Originally Posted by Marisol Here is Pauline's picture! Thanks MarisolxXx:icon_love

you are so pretty! you're actually not like i pictured, for some reason! that's not a bad thing, just saying

i'm sorry about your mom and i hope she's/she'll be okay. i hope your grandma's okay, too.


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