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We should all be sad for the personal shoppers that don't have their own personal shopper. Who do I write the cheque out to? If I had a shopper, I would not send them to Target for ANYTHING. I smell the stench of Troll!

So if this happened 10 years ago why are you bringing it up..? Or did I misread that while being distracted by the bragging? ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Lol. I'd only been to Target once. There aren't any in Canada...yet but it is coming this year.
I honestly love Target. I feel like it's a bit of a nicer Walmart. Kinda makes me feel a little richer while I'm living off of a $60/week paycheck. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't know what is wrong with getting a good deal. I found button down short sleeve tops for $1. I bought 3 of them. If I can buy something for less, I'd go there to buy it. Feeding and clothing a family of 4 is not cheap but it got easier shopping at dollar stores, liquidators and Walmart.

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't know what is wrong with getting a good deal. I found button down short sleeve tops for $1. I bought 3 of them. If I can buy something for less, I'd go there to buy it. Feeding and clothing a family of 4 is not cheap but it got easier shopping at dollar stores, liquidators and Walmart.
Agreed! My husband and I have about 18k a year to live off of. I don't like Wal-mart for all kinds of reasons, but beggars can't be choosers! 

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Agreed! My husband and I have about 18k a year to live off of. I don't like Wal-mart for all kinds of reasons, but beggars can't be choosers! 
never again the grad school times for me. :  I got into so much credit card debt in grad school...how does one choose betweeen food, alcohol, or make up? 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

never again the grad school times for me. :  I got into so much credit card debt in grad school...how does one choose betweeen food, alcohol, or make up? 
1. Alcohol

2. Makeup

3. Food

Unfortunately, I've still got another 5-7 years until I'm done with grad school... :/ Yay for being poor!

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

1. Alcohol

2. Makeup

3. Food

Unfortunately, I've still got another 5-7 years until I'm done with grad school... :/ Yay for being poor!
Oh dear I never could've made it through a PhD program. I'm thinking about going back but for an MBA...NOT anything academic. Plus I'd only do part time and have work pay for it, lol. Living off my grad stipend was...TERRIBLE. And I had a FLAS so I had a higher stipend than people who were TAs. NEVER AGAIN. 

TallTexanGirl, I would think since you're older (judging by your posts) you'd have a lot more sense. eehhhh i was wrong


Reading Riff Raft took me to Aladdin, probably because I watched it last night.

Then I come here and have to read this BS?

That post got moved to its own thread?


Next reality show: "The Real Housewives of the Bubble"? I don't wish poverty on anyone, but having experienced it does make you more relatable to a larger number of people. If you have a positive attitude, you can learn really cool "survival skills" from being poor. We do not always choose our financial circumstances. I certainly didn't choose for my beloved, hardworking husband to become disabled. That being said, if TallCoolTexan is sincere, I want her to be happy that she's rich but realize that the comments about it could be toned down so as not to sound pretentious. "My sweet husband spoils me and lets me buy lots of makeup" versus "I have an unlimited budget for cosmetics". Most of us would be kinda scared if we were in a store with screaming employees and tazers. But it is not due to it being a low-class store.

Terrifying people and things can happen in any store. When I worked at Bath and Body Works in high school (which is a pretty nice store), one lady punched another in the back of the head over a gift basket. 

True story, y'all. 

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Terrifying people and things can happen in any store. When I worked at Bath and Body Works in high school (which is a pretty nice store), one lady punched another in the back of the head over a gift basket. 

True story, y'all. 
Last year on black friday some **** scratched me over yoga pants at Victoria's Secret. witches is crazy :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Terrifying people and things can happen in any store. When I worked at Bath and Body Works in high school (which is a pretty nice store), one lady punched another in the back of the head over a gift basket. 

True story, y'all. 
Yup, I worked at Target (gasp, how did I survive???) and we had scary things happen all the time, but then I worked at Macy's in another city and the same things happened. People are nuts. 


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