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Chickpeas as you stated with some garlic and few other ingredients make a great Humus dip that you can eat on some whole grain crackers or the like... As you have noted we are more inclined to be aware of what we eat and how it interacts in the nutritional balance of our body. We do not recommend facial rubs or creams unless there is a medical reason. If someone has information on such use for ground chickpeas for facial application that is validated we will always put it into our data base for reference. We encourage healing and wellness on an internal cellular level which is what a whole foods nutritional base from within wills shine out and is much more permanent. For now we have found the best use of chickpeas is to make and eat a great deal of them in a humus mix...lot more fun and better use of your resources...

So there is no famous deep cleansing chickpea mask?
I gained about 80 pounds with both my pregnancies and then lost 100 pounds (thank gawd for the Atkins diet!!!!) and have stretchmarks all over me from the waist down except for my stomach, all from the weight gain and the subsequent loss. But over the years they have turned white and unless I tan they arent noticeable. I can feel them when I run my fingers over them but when I look at myself (and I am my own worst critic) I dont see them. I've been interested in trying Strivectin-D since everyone I know that has tried it has had great results with the marks fading out or in some cases completely, but $150 for a 6oz tube is a serious commitment. But getting back to the topic of cellulite- no amount of diet and excercise will completely erode the cellulite if youve already had the skin fibers stretched and lost elasticity- sorry, it aint happenin. My skin has been stretched to the limit and I've seen what a womans body looks like after a huge weight gain and loss- it pisses me off to hear the excercise mantra repeated over and over again. I've lived it and I'm sure I'm not the only one. And if rubbing a fat cream makes some people feel better about themselves, dont piss on their parade; ****, it's not killing anybody and its helping the economy.
Hey strech marks are just part of being a woman...I got mine when I was young and gained a lot of weight. I lost the weight later when I entered the adulthood and finally after having my child I have an excuse to have the stretch marks. They have never bothered me that much. I don't lose my sleep over them or get depressed. There are so many women that have them...the same with cellulite. I have to agree with you about the cellulite. It's extremely difficult to get off....I lost ton of weight but my cellulite stayed because of the tissue....oh well who cares. I just try to stay normal weight and workout for stress relief and for weight maintenance. I have to say thought that the only time I saw a huge improvement in my thighs with the cellulite was when I was working out every other day and didn't eat any sweets. I think eating all the candy is contributing to my thigh problem.

Originally Posted by bluepisces

I gained about 80 pounds with both my pregnancies and then lost 100 pounds (thank gawd for the Atkins diet!!!!) and have stretchmarks all over me from the waist down except for my stomach, all from the weight gain and the subsequent loss. But over the years they have turned white and unless I tan they arent noticeable. I can feel them when I run my fingers over them but when I look at myself (and I am my own worst critic) I dont see them. I've been interested in trying Strivectin-D since everyone I know that has tried it has had great results with the marks fading out or in some cases completely, but $150 for a 6oz tube is a serious commitment. But getting back to the topic of cellulite- no amount of diet and excercise will completely erode the cellulite if youve already had the skin fibers stretched and lost elasticity- sorry, it aint happenin. My skin has been stretched to the limit and I've seen what a womans body looks like after a huge weight gain and loss- it pisses me off to hear the excercise mantra repeated over and over again. I've lived it and I'm sure I'm not the only one. And if rubbing a fat cream makes some people feel better about themselves, dont piss on their parade; ****, it's not killing anybody and its helping the economy.

And if you look at the pictures and films from the "I Love Lucy" days, all the women had thick thighs and cellulite- in fact having hips that flared and being soft was considered feminine- now its considered fat.

*warning, I'm ranting on a tangential issue- the beauty ideal*

Cellulite didnt used to be a big issue until the "ideal" womans body changed from one that was womanly and curvy to a one without the curves that define femininity- case in point, Marilyn Monroe, voted sexiest woman of all time, who was in fact a size 12/13, had a tummy and more than likely her share of cellulite. And now we kill ourselves to "lose just 10 more pounds"- for what? To starve forever afterwards in order to keep it off and feel like we've accomplished something real? Even the Coke bottle was shaped to resemble the womans curves that no one has anymore, unless theyre "chubby". I'm a thin woman, but I wasnt always. I yearn for the Marilyn days, the freedom of allowing myself to have a steak with a potato and not worry about my hips growing back. And remember Jessica Rabbit? Yes, she was a cartoon, but I'll tell ya what, you didnt hear anyone complaining that she wasnt sexy because she had big hips and thighs and all those curves- and I'll bet she would have had cellulite too!

To make a long story short, I meant to comment on my opinion of cellulite and stretchmarks- unless I decide one day to prance around all day long in public in a thong bikini, I refuse to worry about cellulite or stretchmarks. I refuse to become a slave to conformity. I will however, support anyones decision to buy creams, gels, sprays, magic pills and potions if it helps them feel better about themselves. But I will not abide the ads and promotions and opinions that make women feel badly about themselves for looking like a woman.

I wholeheartedly agree with Reija's statement- stretchmarks are part of being a woman. They are my badge of motherhood- when I look at them I think of what I went through to earn them and what I got in return. I dont look at them and wish I didnt have them- why should I make myself feel badly because someone else doesnt find them attractive? I earn my living by helping other women feel good about themselves- and it doesnt only mean with makeup. Having a percieved imperfection doesnt make anyone less attractive or less valuable. I know my worth.

Rant over

I fully agree with Bluespices. I also think that it's a problem how today's women suppose to look. You see the models on TV who are grossly underweight and get that way by smoking and not eating. Today's society expects women to be thin according to all the advertising and feeling good about yourself depends on how much you weight. It shouldn't be that way. It should be a competition of who has the body of a 16 year-old in their 30s. Whatever happened to women having curves?? And a woman looking like a woman not like a girl? I watched a TV show once that explained about how men, when they are looking for someone to marry, they look at how the woman’s body is shaped. Are the hips made to carry a child? Men don’t actually do this thinking their hormones and brain will do it on their own because a woman with curvy hips is considered more fertile by the gene blueprint in men. I'm sure there are exceptions to this but it was just an interesting show explaining about our bodies. Also how many men do you know who actually know what cellulite is and really pay attention to it? Men are not nearly as critical of women's bodies as us women are. We notice every little stretch mark and cellulite but men don't pay as much attention until you start complaining yourself and pointing it out.

Why don't you try some home remedies to remove cellulite. My friend try these steps and she feels the difference.

  • Lose weight by burning more calories than you consume each day.
  • Yoga and deep breathing is an exercise that you can practice to help you smooth out cellulite.
  • Exercises like swimming, walking, stair stepping and even dancing will facilitate burn calories and these exercises can help remove cellulite from the legs.
  • Try cellulite massages. Massage the portion where you feel cellulite. The massage can increase blood circulation permitting the body to scrub out the toxins victimization the bodies natural waste system. 
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