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OMg thank you soo much for this post...I have acne and right now i'm on the accutane treatment. Accutane is a pill that has lots of side effects. I have to admit the treatment is kinda taking long but i did here that it works. My skin is gettin better but now i have acne scars and redness. so this info really help me thank u so much.

Thanks for the great thread. I think I'm too chicken to do any of this, but it's very helpful info.

Whoa I thought my hyperpigmentation was pretty bad but I guess this is for way more intense cases. The most I had to do was a tiny bit of skin bleach on affected areas before bed.

I've been considering a chemical peel. I have some brown spots from acne that will NOT go away! Thanks for the info!

i dont know if there are any posts on this but...I have "ice pick" scars and last time i was at my derm he suggested an acid treatment where he would put a TINY amount in the scar. unfortunately it is quite expensive and there is also about 7 days of scab over the area, but he showed me the before and after pics and i was soon as i save up the money

Since it wasn't mentioned, I have to recommend Dermaplaning. I've had this done a few times and I like it better than microdermabrasion. It makes my skin so smooth afterwards and since it also removes hair, my makeup goes on smoother and looks better. It has also lessened the depths of some of my deeper acne pits.

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is used to treat deep acne scars with a handheld instrument called a dermatome. The dermatome resembles an electric razor and has an oscillating blade that moves back and forth to evenly "skim" off the surface layers of skin that surround the craters or other facial defects.

Both dermabrasion and dermaplaning can be performed on small areas of skin or on the entire face. They can be used alone or in conjunction with other procedures. Neither treatment, however, will remove all scars and flaws or prevent aging.

Lisa, how long did it take for your skin to heal? Did you have any side affects from dermaplanning?

Thanks, Carolyn

great post! To add on, a cream containing kojic acid and licorice extract can even out pigmentation on the face. Hydroquinine may be a better option and faster, but it caused cancer in rats, and though non-conclusive in humans, that makes me very apprehensive to use or recommend it.

Copper Peptides are supposed to be great from skin biology..., u guys should check it out, i'm currently using it for my post hyper pigmentation ...i hope it works, i'll be taking progress pictures soon ...and if it work with a few months or i see some improvements worth sharing, i'll post them up...

Patsluv, Where do you purchase your Silkia camellia oil and Epidermx microderm? Thanks

I have very mild acne scarring and I use Retin-A .05 cream at night and alpha hydorox 10% enhanced cream during the day and my skin has really improved

I had bad dark spots from acne (never broke out to much untill I hit 30, now I am 32 and Thank God it is slowing down) and melasma (pregenancy mask, even though I am not pregenant I still have it from "hormones" they say). I did Fraxel Laser which was a waste of $5K. It actually had reverse effects on me and made my melasma worse. If you have any bit of olive or darker skin, it could have this reaction. They tell you this but you never think you will be that person that it has the bad effect on, ya know! Anyway, then I got this treatment called Cosmelean, it is from the makers of mesotherapy, and my skin looks awesome. I got the treatment from a plastic surgeon but it is not a procedure that requires sedation or anything.

Oh, and anyone who says Laser feels like a rubberband snapping on your skin is full of it. I have a very high tolerance for pain and it felt like I was getting electricuted (sp?). And, for 3 days after I looked like the elephant man and I had to go through this 5 x's - NOT WORTH THE PAIN OR MONEY!

Did you have acne scars? Did the Cosmelean help the acne scars or just the melasma? Thanks.

Sorry, I didn't see this sooner! My skin is just red afterwards for a day or so and feels kinda sensitive but nothing severe.

You can also try Vitamin E, Rosehip oil, Tea, or whitening/brightening products first before trying these. Sometimes just a tropical wash/cream does the job just as well. Kosmea makes a rosehip oil that works for a lot of people.
