Thanks for the post earlier "why is red wine great for the skin?" Red wine has many components that makes it so wonderful for skin! Resveratrol comes from the skin of grapes and is full of antioxidants, protecting the skin by neutralizing free radicals that harm the skin and aid in premature aging. Basically, Resveratrol stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Other components in red wine that make it beneficial for skincare treatments are Grapeseed extracts, alpha-hydroxy-acids, and phytoalexins. These all combine and work together to help accelerate skin healing, improve circulation, strengthen, calm , protect, and soften the skin.
I really like the post mentioned earlier about bathing in red wine to reap the skin care benefits! I was reading up on a recent study published that using red wine for skincare and red wine body treatments have aromatherapy benefits through inhaling the scent of wine. Many believe that it is the aromatic properties in wine that trigger the chemical responses in the brain, while others believe it is purely our association with relaxation.