Quarterly Co Nina Garcia *SPOILERS*

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I haven't been charged for NGQ03 yet, and now that I've seen the spoilers, I think I'm going to see what I can do about skipping this box all together. I was hoping for sophisticated summer accessories, like a beautiful pair of sunglasses and some luxurious tanning oil. Nothing in this box really speaks to me though.

I am so pumped for the Fall box! I tend to prefer cool-weather accessories, so I think that one is going to be perfect for me.

It depends what you hope to get for the box.  If you just hope to break even and sell it for $100 and ask the person to cover shipping, that would probably be doable.  If you want to turn a profit on the box that's harder.

I'd probably do with subbox suggests- ebay the headphones and possibly also the otter case and try to trade the rest.
If you have an ebay account I would just sell the whole box  at cost.  But that's just me

I haven't been charged for NGQ03 yet, and now that I've seen the spoilers, I think I'm going to see what I can do about skipping this box all together. I was hoping for sophisticated summer accessories, like a beautiful pair of sunglasses and some luxurious tanning oil. Nothing in this box really speaks to me though.

I am so pumped for the Fall box! I tend to prefer cool-weather accessories, so I think that one is going to be perfect for me.
that's why  skipped this box too.,  I will however go for the fall box. Hope there is nothing it it odd with large writing on it  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Not a fan of the hat or the tee in the other box

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I finally received my processing info and I am in a minority but I love the box. I can't wait until I receive it! I am much happier with this box then I was my resort box.
I am definitely happy with the contents of the box too.  While I would not say I am over the moon OMG overjoyed, I am EXTREMELY pleased overall at the value of the box (both in terms of sheer dollar value and in terms of the use I think I'll get out of it) and will use most all of the things in the box.  The only thing in the box that I hate is the baseball cap. 

If I was looking at this box as a judge on Project Runway and the mission was to put together a box inspired by Brazil and the beach my critique would be:

Boring, too literal, predictable.  How cliche to use palm trees and fish/shark prints - why not bring colors for a more fashion forward approach? 

Hawaiian Tropic?  Really? In a $100 box?

Desk ornament by designer Melissa?  Melissa is not a designer, is a brand.  Back in the 70's in Brazil, they came out with the slip on jelly shoes called Melissinhas (little Melissas)  that all the kids would wear even though our feet would get sweaty, slippery  and foggy in them.  The nickname for the shoe was "Papai ta na merda", that kind of translates to "Daddy is broke" since they were so cheap. The early incarnation of Crocs!  The ornament looks like a promotional giveaway by the manufacturer.

Baby pink-nude lipstick does not scream tropics either.

Headphones seem nice - I am curious how much better a $80 headphone will be compared to a $16 one.

The hat... who is she curating for? Was this inspired by the souvenir shops in the airports of Brazil? Why not a chunky piece of jewelry with natural stone instead - an statement piece appropriate for grown ups.

I have to take some responsibility for my disappointment...I got sucked in the "value" in the box, and I should know by now that there is only value in what you actually want VS what you pay - just look at the prices in garage sales!
Honestly I largely don't agree. The first thing you mention in particular does not bother me- yes, it's a 100 dollar box, but there are 13 other things in the 100 dollar box, one of which alone is worth $100, another of which is worth at least $40, and another of which is probably worth at least another $100.  I definitely do not mind in the context of a quarterly box with multiple thing, some of the things are not 'designer' or super hoity toity in terms of brand names/price.  If the whole box was full of drugstore brands, I'd be singing a different tune, but one item does not bother me at all, especially in a curated box where the curator is putting products they really like/use. Maybe it's just me, but to the contrary, I personally think it's nice to have some cheaper products in there so that if I discover I love them too, I can actually run out and buy them for myself when they run out with minimal angst/financial planning.  

Like, no matter how great the headphones are, there is no way in God's green earth that when they run out of steam I am going to want to spend $100 on a pair of headphones. I don't have the income or luxury lifestyle that would allow that or have that make any sense. Similarly no matter how awesome the candle is, it's very unlikely I'm going to run out and buy a $34 candle unless I can find some kind of sale.

I do agree with you in that I don't like the desk ornament or the hat, but they don't ruin the box for me.  

I don't think this is the best box I've ever gotten either, but it's definitely good enough that I'm thoroughly satisfied.

I do strongly agree with your statement on value though- I don't think the literal dollar value of the box means much if you don't like what's in it.

Yea I have no idea about that hat. Lol. Halloween maybe hahaha. That is the one product that I won't use but I might get my uncle to wear. I am super happy for the Nest Candle because I will never spend 34 dollars on something that burns to wax. This will allow me to feel glamorous at least until the flames go out.

My impression of Nina Garcia is that she’s fairly down-to-earth and unpretentious, which seems rare for someone deeply involved in the fashion industry. If she were all about luxury and high end brands, she wouldn’t be working with JC Penney and Charming Charlie’s. I’m actually more impressed that she hits a high dollar value without every item having an inflated price. 

A couple of questions for people who’ve received the box:

How do the earphones sound? Are they big or heavy in your ears? I have small ears and fear they won’t work for me. 

Is the shoe really as pointless as it seems? Is it magnetic to catch paperclips, or big enough to hold anything? Or is it really just a come-hither cue for any foot fetishes in the office?

I finally received my processing info and I am in a minority but I love the box. I can't wait until I receive it! I am much happier with this box then I was my resort box.
Me too! I think I will use every single thing in this box except for the unnamed wearable item... Really, if you can get away with this, you gotta post a pic. I'm not sure even Nina could :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Other then that, all of the items are useful and fun to me, which is the best thing in a box for me. 100 percent better than the Popsugar Summer Box - it's almost hard to believe that those two are the same price. Anyway, as you can see, I'm excited.

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Me too! I think I will use every single thing in this box except for the

hat ... Really, if you can get away with this hat, you gotta post a pic. I'm not sure even Nina could get away with it. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> [\spoiler]

All of the items are useful and fun to me, which is the best thing in a box for me. 100 percent better than the Popsugar Summer Box - it's almost hard to believe that those two are the same price. Anyway, as you can see, I'm excited.
My 19 year old daughter will rock this hat-I'm definitely giving it a pass.  Ugly as hell, imho.  The rest of the box isn't super exciting to me personally, but it's useful!.  I'm a little irritated that the phone case is only redeemable for a iphone 5/5s cuz I have a 5c, stupid 5c.  Must be time to upgrade!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
WHEEEEE GOT MY BOX TODAY! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Spoiler photo under the cut! There are definitely some variations. (but not too many)

My impression of Nina Garcia is that she’s fairly down-to-earth and unpretentious, which seems rare for someone deeply involved in the fashion industry. If she were all about luxury and high end brands, she wouldn’t be working with JC Penney and Charming Charlie’s. I’m actually more impressed that she hits a high dollar value without every item having an inflated price. 

A couple of questions for people who’ve received the box:

How do the earphones sound? Are they big or heavy in your ears? I have small ears and fear they won’t work for me. 

Is the shoe really as pointless as it seems? Is it magnetic to catch paperclips, or big enough to hold anything? Or is it really just a come-hither cue for any foot fetishes in the office?
Replying to your questions below...

Can't testify to the sound of the earphones yet, sorry! I haven't opened mine to try out because I just recently opened my Skullcandy Bombshell earphones from Birchbox. But the Ella earphones do get really decent reviews from what I've seen.

The shoe is absolutely pointless. 
My 19 year old daughter will rock this hat-I'm definitely giving it a pass.  Ugly as hell, imho.  The rest of the box isn't super exciting to me personally, but it's useful!.  I'm a little irritated that the phone case is only redeemable for a iphone 5/5s cuz I have a 5c, stupid 5c.  Must be time to upgrade!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I thought the 5c took the 5's place. It may still actually fit. 

ETA: I think I'll give it another one. Not fashion forward or super exciting but useful. 

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I thought the 5c took the 5's place. It may still actually fit.

ETA: I think I'll give it another one. Not fashion forward or super exciting but useful.
The 5s took the place of the 5, the 5c has a different casing that's shaped a bit different. It doesn't fit the 5/5s cases. Bummer!

I finally received my processing info and I am in a minority but I love the box. I can't wait until I receive it! I am much happier with this box then I was my resort box.
I love the box. I think that maybe the people voicing negativity makes it seem like you're in the minority (the negativity is the reason that I try to avoid spoilers but I will be out of town and cannot wait that long). Maybe expectations are a little high?  I think it's a great box for $100 (and what I cannot use, I know others will like).  I look forward to getting mine in hand.  I broke my iphone 5 this week (and using my 4 S again) but love

the case
. I'm sure someone else will use it since I'm just going to skip to the 6 in a few months.  No big deal.

WHEEEEE GOT MY BOX TODAY! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Spoiler photo under the cut! There are definitely some variations. (but not too many)
So I've totally been making fun of

that stupidly pointless shoe, thinking I may well just throw it out because I don't even know why anyone would want to trade for it.

Then I saw the white one. And saw it was designed by stellar architect Zaha Hadid. And being all white, might actually look ok with some other all-white designer baubles. And now, I need that white shoe. Really hoping I get that one!
So I've totally been making fun of

that stupidly pointless shoe, thinking I may well just throw it out because I don't even know why anyone would want to trade for it.

Then I saw the white one. And saw it was designed by stellar architect Zaha Hadid. And being all white, might actually look ok with some other all-white designer baubles. And now, I need that white shoe. Really hoping I get that one!
Awww, I hope you get it then! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
