Quote: Originally Posted by dayzeek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks ladies! I'll have to hunt down my tweezers - I've always had giant man hands and I just trimmed my nails so I feel so defeated by this knot at the moment, lmfao. Okay, now my question is: do you think NGQ02 better than NGQ01? I just can't decide! The variety is definitely there and I absolutely love the variations I received, but it does feel a little less focused theme-wise than the first box (but then again, the theme this time around is kind of a free-for-all of NG must-haves). Thoughts?
Hmmm, the boxes are SO different. For me, I think I'll get more use out of this one, but I do agree with you the first one was more focused. I felt the first one FELT more exciting even though I rarely use anything that came in it - lol. This one will get lots of use, but didn't feel quite as well, I don't know that upscale is the right word....but can't find another so I'll go with it. However, I'm pretty certain I'll use almost everything in this box. So, really this one should be the winner for me - maybe because it's the second one is why I didn't feel as much excitement?
PS: I'm wearing the nail polish....it's snowing here today...it's definitely too much for now - lol.