Quarterly Co Nina Garcia *SPOILERS*

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My box finally made it to to my local post office...I should have it in my greedy paws in about 5 hours! Woot! Mine also did not show any movement since the original scan so it may just show up for you ladies that are still waiting.

My picture frame has a few scuffs as well, but they're not really noticeable so I'm letting it slide. I also received the red notebook and the elephant bracelet which is ADORABLE. My shark tooth necklace is SUPER TINY though...like, I thought it was a weird bracelet....did anyone else have trouble with this? I'm thinking about emailing CS about it...

Quote: Originally Posted by dayzeek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My picture frame has a few scuffs as well, but they're not really noticeable so I'm letting it slide. I also received the red notebook and the elephant bracelet which is ADORABLE. My shark tooth necklace is SUPER TINY though...like, I thought it was a weird bracelet....did anyone else have trouble with this? I'm thinking about emailing CS about it...
The tooth itself is tiny - but the string necklace part is actually really long - was it knotted?  Mine was - I had to loosen this and put it on and with that it can be adjusted from choker length to a length that falls between my ****s unattractively (sorry - couldn't think of any other way to describe it) and, of course, any length in between.

Yeah, that was what I had thought the knot would do, but it won't budge! Am I just being stupid? Hahaa, help!

To those who sub to Nina Garcia, is it worth the 100$? I seen a few pics of the box with the items,Too faced, Essie, baublebar and a magazine?

Quote: Originally Posted by wisconsinbeth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  No - the knot was somewhat difficult - it's not just you!

Quote: Originally Posted by AshJs3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Do you have 2 pairs of tweezers? Tweezers work wonders on small knots or when detangling jewelry.
Thanks ladies! I'll have to hunt down my tweezers - I've always had giant man hands and I just trimmed my nails so I feel so defeated by this knot at the moment, lmfao. Okay, now my question is: do you think NGQ02 better than NGQ01? I just can't decide! The variety is definitely there and I absolutely love the variations I received, but it does feel a little less focused theme-wise than the first box (but then again, the theme this time around is kind of a free-for-all of NG must-haves). Thoughts?

Quote: Thanks ladies! I'll have to hunt down my tweezers - I've always had giant man hands and I just trimmed my nails so I feel so defeated by this knot at the moment, lmfao. Okay, now my question is: do you think NGQ02 better than NGQ01? I just can't decide! The variety is definitely there and I absolutely love the variations I received, but it does feel a little less focused theme-wise than the first box (but then again, the theme this time around is kind of a free-for-all of NG must-haves). Thoughts?

I actually think 2 is better than 1, But I would actually use more of 1 than 2. If that makes sense.

Quote: Originally Posted by dayzeek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks ladies! I'll have to hunt down my tweezers - I've always had giant man hands and I just trimmed my nails so I feel so defeated by this knot at the moment, lmfao. Okay, now my question is: do you think NGQ02 better than NGQ01? I just can't decide! The variety is definitely there and I absolutely love the variations I received, but it does feel a little less focused theme-wise than the first box (but then again, the theme this time around is kind of a free-for-all of NG must-haves). Thoughts?
Hmmm, the boxes are SO different.  For me, I think I'll get more use out of this one, but I do agree with you the first one was more focused.  I felt the first one FELT more exciting even though I rarely use anything that came in it - lol.  This one will get lots of use, but didn't feel quite as well, I don't know that upscale is the right word....but can't find another so I'll go with it.  However, I'm pretty certain I'll use almost everything in this box.  So, really this one should be the winner for me - maybe because it's the second one is why I didn't feel as much excitement?

PS: I'm wearing the nail polish....it's snowing here today...it's definitely too much for now - lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by phanne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I actually think 2 is better than 1, But I would actually use more of 1 than 2. If that makes sense.
Ha!  We are the exact opposites - I think 1 is better; but will use more of 2.  lol

Quote: Originally Posted by dayzeek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks ladies! I'll have to hunt down my tweezers - I've always had giant man hands and I just trimmed my nails so I feel so defeated by this knot at the moment, lmfao. Okay, now my question is: do you think NGQ02 better than NGQ01? I just can't decide! The variety is definitely there and I absolutely love the variations I received, but it does feel a little less focused theme-wise than the first box (but then again, the theme this time around is kind of a free-for-all of NG must-haves). Thoughts?
Hmmm, I was super happy with my box (except the bracelet and wallet) but the first one really had more of a luxe feel than this one. I probably would have rather had 6-7 more luxury items and really speciality items rather than 15 (although I counted 16) things that were mixed in quality. I'm not complaining at all, but I think the 5-year celebration box ended up being a huge project that turned into a very mixed bag. That being said, it could just be because I didn't sub to the first one and I'll forever be sad that I don't have that box, haha! I will definitely not be unsubbing to this one. This is one to watch, for sure.

Actually, having thought about it some more, 1 was a better box. There were two exclusive jewelry pieces created solely for that box. The only uniquely exclusive item in 2 I can think of is the nail polish. I still don't have my box yet, and missed out on 1, so I may totally change my mind, but I was hoping for a few more exclusive items in box 2.

Oh, I hope for an elephant bracelet! My daughter's birthday is coming up and she is obsessed with elephants. It would be perfect for her. She's already getting the bauble bar elephant ring holder from PS...this would be a perfect addition. My shipping hasn't updated so I have no idea when it will arrive.

This is my first NG box and I really like it. I may cancel FFF and PS and keep this one.

My box is out for delivery today (in New Orleans), despite not getting any tracking updates for days and days.  That being said, I am a little disappointed in the content from what I've seen.  I liked the first Nina box because the products seemed to really be luxury items (other than maybe that cuff).  This box has a lot of stuff, which is neat, but most of it seems pretty cheap.  I stopped subscribing to the regular popsugar boxes because of this, so I didn't necessarily want a bunch of cheaper items.  

Hopefully there will be some things I love when I see them in person and then hopefully I can sell or trade the rest.  


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