I'm pretty sure I'd buy a 15 item $100 box from anyone! :laughno: The fact that it's Nina Garcia makes it 100x better! I'm such a mark for these kind of things. This quote from the Mindy Project solidified the shows place in my heart and sums up my life all too well: Mindy: [narrating] Like anyone who goes to the bookstore, I wasn't there to buy books. I do that on the internet at, like, 50% off and free shipping and no tax. [out loud] Oh, my God, $28.95 for a book? [narrating] But luckily, this time, I made an exception, because if there's one thing that I can never resist, it's a good tote bag. [to guy in bookstore] Hey, are you gonna buy that book? Matt: I was thinking about it. Mindy: I'm only asking because I have two books and you have one. So, if we combine them, I could get a tote bag. Matt: But why wouldn't I get the free tote bag? Mindy: 'Cause you're a guy. What do you need a tote bag for? Matt: I can store all my tote bags I don't use in it.