QOTD: September 15, 2012 Do you believe in haunted houses?

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Mar 20, 2008
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My friend has been telling me about some weird happenings going on in and around her house, so it made me wonder... anything creepy going on?

Yup. We lived in one. A baby must have passed away in a house we once lived in because you could hear a newborn infant crying from time to time. It wasn't coming from a neighbor because we lived on a corner lot and the neighbor directly behind us was this little old lady who lived by herself and the other neighbors, had a dog run separating their yard from ours and even so it was our house, our garage, yard, dog run, their garage then their house so it was a distance between their actual house and ours. Anytime we heard the crying one of us would have to go check on our children but it never was any of the girls.

Creepy! I lived in an old house that creaked and made weird noises at night. Doors would also open/close on their own. I believe that places can hold presences of...I don't know what you want to call it...and they can manifest physically. Poltergeist, souls, spirits, demons... Yeah.. stuff I don't care to play around with!

I will say that I am neutral. I have heard a lot of stories on tv and even from actual friends but I haven't experienced anything myself. I can't prove they aren't real but I can't prove they are either. I do like going to Haunted Fun Houses. Does that count? lol

2 houses I have lived in that had spirits.  I grew up in a house where I have seen 1 spirit walk by me.  Knocking on the walls at night, someone turning my door knob etc.  Someon walked into my sister's room and sat on her bed at night.  I believe that they were there to protect and not to harm.  Nothing terrible happened in that house, just protectors. 

The first house my husband and I purchased also had spirits.  My neighbours said the second to last owners had died of cancer.  My children saw ghosts and my daughter had an 'invisible' friend named Lisa to whom she was very attached to and she was very upset when we moved.  She wanted to return to the house and live there again.  I kept telling her that someone else owns that house now and we got a house where you can have a much bigger room.  She was upset for a whole year because Lisa could not come with her, she had to stay in the house.  When my son was little, he stood inside of my DH and my room in the dark.  When I found him, I asked what he was looking at.  He quietly whispered 'ghost'.  He was 3.  I led him out of the room.  There too, protectors.  Nothing malicious happened to us.

This is kinda how I feel. I haven't experienced anything myself, but I can't say that what someone else is going through isn't real.

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I will say that I am neutral. I have heard a lot of stories on tv and even from actual friends but I haven't experienced anything myself. I can't prove they aren't real but I can't prove they are either. I do like going to Haunted Fun Houses. Does that count? lol
Yes, I've seen some stuff as a kid in the house I grew up in and have never gone back into that house.
