QOTD 01/11/2013 Would you go a year without using any type of beauty product?

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Feb 26, 2011
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On the Janaury 10th edition of Good Morning America there was a segment about a woman who wrote a book after giving up using any type of beauty product for a year. Would you go a whole year without wearing makeup or even using a moisturizer?

Since makeup, nails and beauty are a big past time for me there would have to be a good reason to... or a big fat payment.

I can be bought, but I'm not cheap

Don't see this as an accomplishment, more like torture lol. My facial ritual leaves me feeling Zen. I adore wandering through Sephora and other shops, swatching new products, sniffing perfumes. Not for me..I'd be a super dry, flaky unscented mess with a fro..no thanks!

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't see this as an accomplishment, more like torture lol. My facial ritual leaves me feeling Zen. I adore wandering through Sephora and other shops, swatching new products, sniffing perfumes. Not for me..I'd be a super dry, flaky unscented mess with a fro..no thanks!
This is so true for me. I enjoy wandering through makeup and department stores but to look at stuff, even if I don't purchase anything. I love being artistic with it too and trying new stuff. It's very relaxing for me.

Although I wouldn't have a fro... I'd have the flattest hair on earth and don't get me started on how freaked out my skin would be from allergies. *shivers* Don't wanna experience that.

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

According to the lady nothing.
Well no way then haha. I could easily live without regular makeup but when you take my moisturizer, lip balm and nail polish that is going too far.

No way. I mean..no products at all? Its not even about looking good, but my lips, hands, etc would be in pain in the winter, and my skin would be a mess. I'm not impressed by this woman, although I'm curious where she lived that she didn't need some kind of lip balm and hand cream in the winter.

No, I'll be lost without such staples as my lip balm and a moisturizer with SPF.

Technically, soap is a beauty product too (another name for it is a "beauty bar") so you expect me to stop washing myself as well? No, no and no :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Crusty lips and flaky skin?! No way, if it was just about not wearing foundation or mascara etc.. id be fine but I NEED lip balm and moisturizer

Life without beauty products is not a life worth living.... It's my fav time of day... I guess I'm as vain as it gets... Oh well, I'm as happy as it gets too
