Puffy under eye bags

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Mar 2, 2007
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this is something i hate the most.i'venever had problem with that before,but lately...

anyway-no matter how much i sleep..no matter what climate i am in..i always have those ugly puffy bags under my eyes that make me look extremely tired when i am not tired at all.

i tried so many things..from some gels,to frozen spoons to preparation h.

nothing works.in fact,after use of preparation h,i noticed some broken capilaries along my undereye so i stopped that,even though it didn't do a thing.

if anyone of you knows something i don't know-please share.

and no..don't tell me to cut some veggies or froots and put them under my eyes-because i really need a quick fix in am when i go to work!

i have the same problem. i think it's hereditary. i like origins no puffery. it works well, but doesn't eliminate the problem completly.

I have that problem too and I think I agree, it's hereditary, my dad has always had that problem as well. I just use some undereye masks once in a while and it seems to help a little.

Are you eating well? Taking any new meds? Any swelling anyplace else, like feet or ankles? I think I would be concerned. I got puffy under my eyes when I went on prednisone.

The only thing I can do is use concealer. I like MAC.

no..i am not on meds.no other swelling..just puffiness under eyes.now that someone mentioned that it may be hereditary-my grandma had huge bags..and my father is not w/o either.so maybe...i mean i am getting old after all!

I saw a doctor on t.v. and he said to reduce puffy eyes is to reduce salt intake, and drink the juice of a cucumber and celery. I quess this is a natural diaretic. He also suggested to eat more red pepper because it stimulates the kidneys. So, ladies start eating more spicey foods!! :moa: Leslie.

I'm going through the same puffy under eye problem right now. I ordered some St Ives eye and face stress gel- I had heard that this product works and at only 4 bucks or so I figured it was worth a try. When it gets here I'll let ya know. I've also been using MAC's Fast Response eye cream. Its a little pricey at $28 but it has been working for me. Temp fix tho- it gets rid of the puffiness fast but if you dont use it for a day poof puffy comes back.

good luck

Anna M.

here's a big hug for you, sweetie! *hug*hug*hug* i do all of the things mentioned! eat well, take supplements, exercise, get enought rest, but that puffiness is still there. i've learned to love and care for them because they're a part of who i am! lmao~ i do have a few tricks, though. no eye makeup below my bottom lashes unless i'm going for a serious smoky eye look. no concealer, it only seems to enhance them. with all that said, i still look damn good for 48.5! lmao~

Ok so I tried St Ives eye and face stress gel and I really like it. In fact the MAC is going back because it is a temporary fix and I'd rather have something more long term. The stress Gel got rid of my outer eye bags.. they haven't come back. But I do apply 2X a day and In the $4.00 price range It was worth the risk of having it not work as I have heard that some have tried it with little success. The down side is that it is impossible to find in my area so I had to order it online. If you need more reviews besides on MUT- Amazon has a few listed.

Good luck- I hope you find your solution.

Anna M.

shoulda mention my age- I'm 34 and developed the bags after baby.

Out of all the MAC products I have I've yet to try the Fast response eye cream. I think I give this a try, because I have the puffy eye issue also.

unpeeled, sliced cucumber pieces placed on eyes helps reduce puffiness. used, cooled teabags are helpful too. use them regularly on alternative days for a few weeks. it might help. Smoke is bad for eyes. especially somebody smoking in the same room as you. Also drink lots of water, cleanses the kidneys, which will reduce the puffiness.

you might want to check your sleep routine.

For a quick fix I use a bit of cellulite cream that is made for your body. Just a tiny bit. It doesn't really work for cellulite, but the caffeine in them really de-puffs my eyes quickly.

Extra pillows when you sleep might help- its meant to help 'drainage' and is good for puffy eyes

Also do you use an eye cream? As too much eye cream or a too heavy handed application can make it worse

Hello dear,

Place cotton balls soaked in milk under your eyes for a few minutes. The lactic acid in the milk helps reduce puffiness and darkness. Try this tip to get rid of puffiness under your eyes.


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