Sigh, I was born with bags under my eyes - just something I learned to live with. I think the bags problem is two-fold - the area from the lower eyelid down a bit being puffy and then under that the danged sunken area, which in turn makes the area under the lower eyeline look more puffy. I'm trying like Hades to try to minimize the effect by keeping the really hydrated, especially the sunken part. I find that if I don't drink enough water for a few days, it makes it worse. Water is the elixir of life - drink plenty of it!
Going to try castor oil on the puffy part to see what that does. If nothing else maybe it'll help the lower lashes grow - lol. And danged but I wish I could sleep on my back, but as many times as I've started out that way I always end up on my side in a sort of twisty pretzel.