Problem of Grey hair - Here is A solution forums

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Mar 6, 2013
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Problem of Grey hair - Here is A solution

Grey Hair is a symptom of improper protein synthesis. Hair grows white when the colour pigment (melanin) ceases to be produced in the hair follicle and small airspaces take its place.

Pigment cells located at the base of each hair follicle produce the natural dominant colour of our youth. However, as a person grows older andreaches middle age, more and more of these pigment cells die and colour is lost from individual hairs.

Grey hair is usually associated with ageing, but this is notalways the case. Early greying of the hair is basically hereditary, and we can inherit it from one of our parents or grandparents.

Home Remedies and Treatment

1. " Amla " is the best cure for grey hair and falling hair. Regular massage of "amla" paste rubbed into the scalp has worked wonders in many cases, frequentlyreversing the process of greying or falling off of hair.

2. Massage your hairs with coconut oil and Lemon everyday for at least 15 minutes. There are instances of people having black hairs even up to the age of 60-70 yearsby using this method.

3.Soak about 10 to 12 rithas and 3 to 4 shikakai pods overnight in a pint of water. Next day, boil for a few minutes and strain. Use this liquid as a normal shampoo.

Separately soak 10 to 12 dried amlas in half a cup of water overnight. Strain and use as a hair conditioner after your head bath. Leave it on the hair for ten minutes

and rinse your hair with clean warm water. This will leave your hair smooth and shiny and also stop premature greying of your hair.

4. Mix lemon juice in castor oil and beat till frothy. Add 'henna' in to it. Apply the mixture evenly over the scalp, and bathe after an hour using 'shikakai' and

'ritha' shampoo as above. This checks greying of hair.

5. Take a cup of strong black tea (without milk), and to this add a tablespoon of salt. When cold, strain the tea and massage it on the roots. Leave it on for an hour,

and then rinse with cold water. Do not shampoo it.

6. Nourishment and proper grooming is very important to keep the hair texture, growth, shin and luster in a good condition. Therefore use a shampoo & conditioner that

suits your hair type. Choose products that are gentle, preferably without any harsh detergent like sodium lauryl sulfate. For daily washes, use a shampoo that is mild,

gentle & moisturizing. Don't use too much conditioner or else it makes hair greasy. Daily massage your hair with your fingertips; it helps proper blood circulation in the scalp.


Your hair needs the following nourishment:

a) Vitamin A - vitamin A is necessary for promoting a healthy scalp and gives body and glow to your hair. Include dark green vegetables and orange & yellow fruits &

vegetables in your diet.

B) Vitamin B - vitamin B regulates the secretion of oil, keeps hair healthy & moisturized. Eat more of fresh green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals,

liver kidney, yogurt, bananas and green vegetables.

c) Minerals - minerals like zinc, iron & copper promote healthy hair. Food sources: zinc - red meat, chicken & green vegetables; iron - beef, dried apricots, red meat,

parsley, eggs, wheat & sunflower seeds; copper - seafood, egg yolk & whole grains.

d) Proteins - consuming more of protein gives your hair natural shine and good texture. Include more of sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat and soy in your diet.

I truly love my grey hair. i buy shampoo's and conditioners that allow the grey to look silvery and since i am not all grey my hair with color shines also.


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