I received my box today. My thoughts on the contents once I had them in my cold hands:
- LOVE the tote. It looks/feels like it's made well and it's sturdy. I Scotchgard'ed the bejesus out of it so I can keep it clean as long as possible (I Scotchgard EVERYTHING and have a bit of a love affair with the stuff).
- The body oil was a nice surprise. On 1st sniff it reminded me of the little kid perfume you would get in those play makeup sets that were in the "toy" section of the grocery store in the 1970's (just aged myself). BUT the scent faded quickly and it looks great on the legs. It's a subtle sheen.
- The Paddle Ball/Smashball set will be used. I live in So Cal so these will get lots of play at the beach. I love the pattern and the fact they come in a case.
- The honey will be used and is already at home in the pantry.
- The tray has me stumped. It's cute but not my style. I can't think of anyone to gift it to so for now it is in the linen closet awaiting a purpose.
- The Kendra Scott cuff is really pretty but I just know I will never wear it. I listed it on ebay (cheaply) this evening so hopefully it will sell and it would be like getting a rebate on the box.
This was a good and fun one! I am still looking forward to the June box!