Originally Posted by
PinkShanyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Honestly. I hate looking at the spoilers... but I simply cannot go the extra two hours til my box arrives

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Why do I hate spoilers? All the people who automatically assume they HATE something. I've seen multiple items come through this box that I'm not in love with during the spoilers. In fact, some I'm pretty sure I'm going to trash. (ie - tassel necklace and the scarf last month) know what I've worn/used the most out of my boxes? THE TASSEL NECKLACE... and I've worn that blasted scarf about forty-two-eleventy times. I love them! I'm not super impressed with the necklace from the spoilers... but I'll give it a shot. If i'm still not a fan, I have a 7 year old niece who loves necklaces of ANY kind.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Iced tea is TOTAL SUMMER... I'm geeked for the tea actually. The ice cube tray is alright.. i use ice like a crazy person... and who knows... massive ice cubes may make my heart happy. As far as the face nonsense everyone is raving about.... I use nada. Bar soap and maybe argan oil IF i NEED it. IDK that i'll love it... but I'll try it... and worse case scenario? my sisters will get to fight over it. And cookies? who the he** doesn't like cookies. (if you dont, send them to me... fat girls LOVE COOKIES!!!! ALL THE COOKIES!!!)
Again -- I don't have my box yet.... but I've come to learn that the JOY of sub boxes is USING the products...giving them a SHOT, and THEN deciding if you're a fan. I know my personal tastes have branched out significantly from when i first subbed. I used to only wear the daintiest of jewelry and snubbed my nose at 'trends' .. i was a total 'classics' girl. Now I feel like I can branch out a LITTLE with one or two accessories. So THANKS, PS!
It's funny because everyone RAVED about last month's box. My reaction? Ugh. Another DVD I won't use, another book I might or might not read. I hate popcorn cause it trashes my teeth and I STILL haven't used my Juice Beauty products. Mints...well I can get those at Target.
I sold the DVD and book on eBay, spilled the mints in my dirty purse and have the Juice items up for trade.
The only item I loved was the scarf and the G&G
gift card, and I do love that scarf and my tote from G&G, which cost me an additional $23. I'm not really mad about spending extra money for something I want, every stinkin hobby I have costs me extra money. My gym membership doesn't come with fish oil, or healthy food or new running shoes or workout clothes, but I choose to have a gym membership. My car doesn't come with gas and new tires every five years, but I choose to own a car. My nail polish collection doesn't come with top coats and base coats and tools to manicure my nails, I bought all that extra stuff to support my hobby. Subscribing to PS is no different, it's a hobby, I chose it. I choose to spend extra money on it to further my fun by using the coupons, vouchers,
gift cards and promos sent with it.
But....OMG guys JUNE WAS THE BEST BOX EVER!!!....according to everyone else.
Loving or hating your box is your choice. PopSugar welcomes feedback, but insulting PS about their selections isn't going to get you a better box.
Their opinion this was a must have box, they're not wrong for sending it out. It's all a matter of opinion.
Getting all ranty over something you chose to sign up for, knowing full and well that you don't know what you'll find in your box is...kind of dramatic. (my opinion)
For the love of God, if you don't like the necklace eBay/Craigslist/Trade/Throw out/Craft that **** and move along, it's just a necklace.
I want to do all of these when I get my ice cube tray!