POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by xheidi /img/forum/go_quote.gif

does anyone know what's gonna be in the january box? should i re-sub?
I'm under the impression that all January boxes were sold-out. At least they were when I subscribed a few weeks ago.

Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm under the impression that all January boxes were sold-out. At least they were when I subscribed a few weeks ago.
They opened back up, I am assuming because of a lot of cancellations/subs ending

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

They opened back up, I am assuming because of a lot of cancellations/subs ending
Well, poop... I'll be getting two February boxes and they refused to switch one of them to come in January :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I think they're change the way they go about gift cards also I think they're going to work on their shipping: "Please know that your feedback is not falling on deaf ears and that we are currently working to improve our shipping and to ensure that any coupons we include are both valuable and work correctly."

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i am really curious to see what popsugar changes based on last month's debacle?  Do you think they will change anything and if so, what? (By the way, I know it is pointless to guess but I like to anyways).
Realistically by the time the complaints started rolling in for the December boxes, I'm sure the January boxes were already set in stone and being put together. My guess is, any changes based on those issues wouldn't happen until at least the February box.

Originally Posted by cmello /img/forum/go_quote.gif

anyone get charged for january box yet?? i still don't see a charge i thought it was begnning of month
I haven't been charged yet.  I was charged on the 4th in December and the 9th in November.  Nothing is pending either.  Hopefully next week?

i really wish there were early spoilers for the Popsugar box! i have having to *actually* wait until someone finally gets their box :/

Originally Posted by nancy771 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I wish there is a cool fitness item. Maybe a sweat band, pedometer, gift card to get some fitness clothes....something fun and get me motivated to get out there! lol. I will even take socks! November was my first month and at first i wasn't into it them i loved it after receiving my box. Loved my style mint box! Decembler SUCKED! You would think they would give the best box ever but no sadly. If January sucks I am going to cancel unless someone uses my link and i finally get a free box.......here is to hoping we really get wowed with january!
I may be in the minority here but I'm actually hoping we don't get any fitness stuff; I hate working out lol.

Originally Posted by PBandJilly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I may be in the minority here but I'm actually hoping we don't get any fitness stuff; I hate working out lol.
That's hilarious. But I agree. 

Originally Posted by PBandJilly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I may be in the minority here but I'm actually hoping we don't get any fitness stuff; I hate working out lol.
Not sure people who do it "like" it either.  But you feel better "AFTER" you do it, provided you're not too sore.  That's why I think a fitness headband would be cute for people who work out and those who don't (everyone can wear a headband, even if you're not working out). 

Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Not sure people who do it "like" it either.  But you feel better "AFTER" you do it, provided you're not too sore.  That's why I think a fitness headband would be cute for people who work out and those who don't (everyone can wear a headband, even if you're not working out). 
I have been generally health/fitness oriented most of my life, but this summer I was scary sick and it really drove home the importance of doing whatever I need to do to maintain my health.  I do not really look at it as optional anymore.  Now I know there is no guarantee I will stay healthy even if I do all the right things, but I am fighting hard.  In a weird way, exercise is profoundly empowering, more so now than ever for me. Anyways, those are just my two cents :)

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have been generally health/fitness oriented most of my life, but this summer I was scary sick and it really drove home the importance of doing whatever I need to do to maintain my health.  I do not really look at it as optional anymore.  Now I know there is no guarantee I will stay healthy even if I do all the right things, but I am fighting hard.  In a weird way, exercise is profoundly empowering, more so now than ever for me. Anyways, those are just my two cents :)
It's a huge part of my life now too, wasn't always.  I used to weigh about 60lbs more than I do now.  I'm now on Paleo diet, practice yoga weekly, crossfit and run (ran my first 5K in December, running a 6K in Feb and 8K in March and doing a tough mudder in June).  That's why I'm all for fitness related stuff in the Jan box.

Please no more candy, cookies, bars or treats.  Although, I'd be happy with more of that bacon chocolate 

Glad you're better! 

Originally Posted by PBandJilly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I may be in the minority here but I'm actually hoping we don't get any fitness stuff; I hate working out lol.

Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's hilarious. But I agree. 

Me too!  And I DO workout.  But fitness stuff seems to uninspired for January.  Everyone is doing "Happy, Healthy New Year!"...I want something different.  :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's a huge part of my life now too, wasn't always.  I used to weigh about 60lbs more than I do now.  I'm now on Paleo diet, practice yoga weekly, crossfit and run (ran my first 5K in December, running a 6K in Feb and 8K in March and doing a tough mudder in June).  That's why I'm all for fitness related stuff in the Jan box.

Please no more candy, cookies, bars or treats.  Although, I'd be happy with more of that bacon chocolate 

Glad you're better! 
Aww thank you! I am grateful and still working hard to get back to what was my normal.  Congrats on running your first 5k! Running is my core exercise.  I run 5ks regularly (most weekends, though it slows down in winter obviously).  I did my first obstacle race this fall and will do a Spartan in the Spring. It was wild because I was intentionally getting dirty :) Mastering the obstacles was a big confidence booster. I am also scheduled for a trail half-marathon.  I find that pushing through the challenges really empowering, and afterwards I feel victorious just because I put my toes on the starting line.  I really hope they focus on fitness for this one since it was overlooked in all 3 boxes they put out last month.  I understand how it is not exciting for everyone though.  :)

@Shanny I do not think it necessarily lacks creativity because it has not been overdone (at least for me) and there are not a ton of subs who it would even be a fit to offer up that theme.

Originally Posted by PBandJilly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I may be in the minority here but I'm actually hoping we don't get any fitness stuff; I hate working out lol.
I don't want any fitness stuff either. i love working out but I don't want to buy or have anymore workout gear. I have drawers full of it.

If we get it, I wouldn't mind it since I know I'll use it. I'm just really hoping we don't get it.


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