POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by SubJunkie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Me too maybe they ran out :/ 
Don't worry, you will get it - it took them a month last time, so wait some more. I am still waiting for mine this time around, too.

Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You don't get charged for the next box. It shows up in your account as paid, and everything else is the same as usual. Tracking, shipping schedule, etc.
Does it show right away or around the time they send them out?

Don't worry, you will get it - it took them a month last time, so wait some more. I am still waiting for mine this time around, too.
How do they expect to have reviews if it takes them so long? They have to be done by the 31st... =/
Originally Posted by MissKellyC /img/forum/go_quote.gif

How do they expect to have reviews if it takes them so long? They have to be done by the 31st... =/
I just got mine today!! They sent 2 individual wipe packets. I never got an email notification of it being sent, so it was a nice surprise. Hopefully yours comes soon!

I just got mine today!! They sent 2 individual wipe packets. I never got an email notification of it being sent, so it was a nice surprise. Hopefully yours comes soon!
I hope so! =)
Time to get excited for january and hopefully not be let down like december or else i am cutting down..

Hopefully it ships earlier in the month, like December! :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

They say they ship on the 10th and it takes 11 days (at least) to reach me after that, so I get it on the 21-24th

Originally Posted by nelliebelle1197 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Are there any codes running about? I like this better with a discount!
Insider is the only one I've seen lately.

It's expired. I ended up canceling. I figured out that I could re-sub to Ipsy and pick up Yuzen for the price of Popsugar. I am going to pick up an occasional box like I plan to do with Wantable, but I don't want the monthly on this one. Wish PS and Wantable had a skip feature like BA!

Is it just me or does everyone get super excited about a new box with new surprises!?!

I can't wait for the Jan box!  Some fitness type items would be awesome!  I could do without MORE snacks (really trying to keep the extra calories in check), unless they were my fav - larabars!  I love the idea of running socks, water bottles or more yoga influenced items.  Maybe a headband or a yoga mat tote?    

A note about the samples - I think they can take a while to ship/arrive.  Sometimes samples I've ordered from various places in the past could take 6-8 weeks to arrive.

I still have the canvaspop code if anyone wants it. Expires 1/31 Also the Rtr code. Pm me if interested.

Usually it's $35 a month- there's codes for $5 off your first month- it used to be refer ,now I think it's friends. They have different promos come up- I just got 6 months for $158 with the code insider .

I'm going to wait to subscribe until a better coupon code comes out. Does anyone get any other monthly boxes that are similar to this one? Just curious!

Originally Posted by meaganS /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm going to wait to subscribe until a better coupon code comes out. Does anyone get any other monthly boxes that are similar to this one? Just curious!
Meagan, I am getting my first Seasonsbox this month, and I think it has a PS feel. It looks super promising, and they tell you what is in there, too. So I already know the box is going to be amazing.


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