POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If that's the case, you can either:

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Let me know if you have any questions! I know there are a few steps but the process is easy :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
^^^Awesome! I didn't realize that you could do a spoiler from your phone. Most excellent...thank you!

Originally Posted by jesemiaud /img/forum/go_quote.gif

^^^Awesome! I didn't realize that you could do a spoiler from your phone. Most excellent...thank you!
No problem 
 It's certainly helpful when using your phone!

I'm in the Pacific Northwest and I still don't have a tracking number! My account number doesn't work as a reference number, either! It still says processing in my account.

This is frustrating, especially since I am eager to get this box!

Originally Posted by Fyrefly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm in the Pacific Northwest and I still don't have a tracking number! My account number doesn't work as a reference number, either! It still says processing in my account.

This is frustrating, especially since I am eager to get this box!
This is what happens to those of us Up Here *every single month*.  I'm pretty sure we're the last group to get boxes sent out.  It worked in our favor in September because they ran out of the sample sizes of the shampoo and conditioner, so our boxes got delayed while they waited for more -- and then they could only get the full-sized versions.  I'm very glad about that because I actually liked those two items, and this saves me from having to buy them for quite a while (at the rate I'm going through them because I use a different shampoo every few days depending on what my hair has been like, they're probably going to last a year or so).

DON'T EAT THE THINK THIN BARS!!!!THERE IS A RECALL ON THEM!!!!i was in bed looking up reviews for the items in this months box and this popped up,google think thin crunch recall.from the pics i saw, the caramel crunch and the blueberry one is in the boxes.not trying to freak anyone out,but salmonella hello.what a buzzkill!hopefully the tainted ones arent't in the boxes.

Originally Posted by jerricabenton7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

DON'T EAT THE THINK THIN BARS!!!!THERE IS A RECALL ON THEM!!!!i was in bed looking up reviews for the items in this months box and this popped up,google think thin crunch recall.from the pics i saw, the caramel crunch and the blueberry one is in the boxes.not trying to freak anyone out,but salmonella hello.what a buzzkill!hopefully the tainted ones arent't in the boxes.
I found this release from the FDA - to those who got their boxes, did you receive this Crunch variety? It says it applies to products distributed from 3/2010 to 10/12/12. http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm323822.htm

Anyone find anything else?

ETA: This article from BusinessWeek says that the recalled bars all have best-by dates of July 13, 2013. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-10-15/thinkthin-bars-recalled-on-contamination-concerns

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I found this release from the FDA - to those who got their boxes, did you receive this Crunch variety? It says it applies to products distributed from 3/2010 to 10/12/12. http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm323822.htm

Anyone find anything else?
Beat me to the draw. That is what I found too.  Searched the FDA site, no alert since October that I could find

Quote: Originally Posted by jerricabenton7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

DON'T EAT THE THINK THIN BARS!!!!THERE IS A RECALL ON THEM!!!!i was in bed looking up reviews for the items in this months box and this popped up,google think thin crunch recall.from the pics i saw, the caramel crunch and the blueberry one is in the boxes.not trying to freak anyone out,but salmonella hello.what a buzzkill!hopefully the tainted ones arent't in the boxes.

That recall has been ongoing since October, hopefully they informed Popsugar between then and when they shipped them, and Popsugar made sure theirs were good. 
Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Beat me to the draw. That is what I found too.  Searched the FDA site, no alert since October that I could find
Okay good to know. Let's all make sure to check the best-by dates to make sure they aren't 7/13/13!

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I found this release from the FDA - to those who got their boxes, did you receive this Crunch variety? It says it applies to products distributed from 3/2010 to 10/12/12. http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm323822.htm

Anyone find anything else?

ETA: This article from BusinessWeek says that the recalled bars all have best-by dates of July 13, 2013. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-10-15/thinkthin-bars-recalled-on-contamination-concerns
Eeeek! I really hope Popsugar caught this and that the bars they are sending out are not affected... It's going to be a major disappointment if they are. Even if they aren't though I see this becoming a major customer service nightmare.... and kinda makes me not want to eat anything that comes from thinkThin.... ever... ever.....

Eeeek! I really hope Popsugar caught this and that the bars they are sending out are not affected... It's going to be a major disappointment if they are. Even if they aren't though I see this becoming a major customer service nightmare.... and kinda makes me not want to eat anything that comes from thinkThin.... ever... ever.....
Ugh, I agree! On both counts lol. Even if the bars are okay date-wise, I think I'll still be iffy about them.
Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by Beauty-Flawed /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Eeeek! I really hope Popsugar caught this and that the bars they are sending out are not affected... It's going to be a major disappointment if they are. Even if they aren't though I see this becoming a major customer service nightmare.... and kinda makes me not want to eat anything that comes from thinkThin.... ever... ever.....
Ugh, I agree! On both counts lol. Even if the bars are okay date-wise, I think I'll still be iffy about them.
You're not missing much...I got one of the chocolate crunch thinkthin bars from Cravebox a while back and it was one of the worst things I've ever tried to eat...like dry, fake chocolate flavored sawdust, gag.
You're not missing much...I got one of the chocolate crunch thinkthin bars from Cravebox a while back and it was one of the worst things I've ever tried to eat...like dry, fake chocolate flavored sawdust, gag.
Ew. Good to know! It seems nutrition/health bars often leave a lot to be desired, unfortunately. Kind bars are the only ones that actually taste decent to me (and I have PopSugar to thank, even though that July box certainly was something lol).
Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're not missing much...I got one of the chocolate crunch thinkthin bars from Cravebox a while back and it was one of the worst things I've ever tried to eat...like dry, fake chocolate flavored sawdust, gag.
Ew. Good to know! It seems nutrition/health bars often leave a lot to be desired, unfortunately. Kind bars are the only ones that actually taste decent to me (and I have PopSugar to thank, even though that July box certainly was something lol).
Yeah...I like the more granola-y type, with lots of nuts and fruits (yes, like Kind - they're the best!!) but most of them gross me out, especially if they have that nasty crunch texture, or tout themselves as protein bars (there's something in the texture that is just horrid to me). I do find the Kellogg's FiberPlus bars surprisingly tasty. But I woudln't try a thinkthin bar again if they paid me!
I can not eat any Clif bar products due to their peanut recall a few years ago.....I ended up really sick in the hospital w food poisoning for over a week :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Glad I read this...will avoid Think Thin bars- I'm in Canada and we can get these here and stores are bad w taking stuff off the shelf for bars anyways.

I'll be sticking to locally made nut bars- some company H&A something they make bars with different nuts and just honey and sell these.  or a lot of Lebanese stores here they sell just a bunch of nuts stuck together with honey and rose syrup as a snack.

I'm not crazy about rose flavored foods but they are usually quite fresh.

Originally Posted by jerricabenton7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

DON'T EAT THE THINK THIN BARS!!!!THERE IS A RECALL ON THEM!!!!i was in bed looking up reviews for the items in this months box and this popped up,google think thin crunch recall.from the pics i saw, the caramel crunch and the blueberry one is in the boxes.not trying to freak anyone out,but salmonella hello.what a buzzkill!hopefully the tainted ones arent't in the boxes.
Yeah...I like the more granola-y type, with lots of nuts and fruits (yes, like Kind - they're the best!!) but most of them gross me out, especially if they have that nasty crunch texture, or tout themselves as protein bars (there's something in the texture that is just horrid to me). I do find the Kellogg's FiberPlus bars surprisingly tasty. But I woudln't try a thinkthin bar again if they paid me!
I discovered Rise bars this year and they are really good. When it comes to speedy sports nutrition, I am function over taste ( weird I know but trust me it's really practical when competing). That said, I can usually find ways to make it taste good and I will choose yummy ones that give me what I need over the alternative. You can always make your own,, it turns out it is actually pretty easy and of course they always taste better.
Originally Posted by jerricabenton7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

DON'T EAT THE THINK THIN BARS!!!!THERE IS A RECALL ON THEM!!!!i was in bed looking up reviews for the items in this months box and this popped up,google think thin crunch recall.from the pics i saw, the caramel crunch and the blueberry one is in the boxes.not trying to freak anyone out,but salmonella hello.what a buzzkill!hopefully the tainted ones arent't in the boxes.
All the more reason I dislike food items in sub boxes that are supposed to be "entertainment, style, living" boxes.  I really wish they went with something else or just didn't include them at all (seeing as the hot chocolate and marshmallows seem to be the "must have food" item this month).
