POPSUGAR Must Have January 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by JamieSaves /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is very clear when you sign up/order at Stylemint or Jewelmint that it is going to charge you for a credit each month.... I am not sure why anyone would complain to Popsugar. It was a great coupon code for a free $30 item, all you has to do was cancel the account after. Part of he reason pop sugar can get us the items is as advertising for the company (in this case stylemint) to get new customers. I don't think it is fair to expect "better" coupon codes. Hope for, maybe... But expect? We pay $35 and jUST the SM code was almost worth that.
i agree i loved all the copuon codes they have given so far. . the stylemint code and canvaspop. I cancelled stylemint right away after i got my order.

Originally Posted by JamieSaves /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is very clear when you sign up/order at Stylemint or Jewelmint that it is going to charge you for a credit each month.... I am not sure why anyone would complain to Popsugar. It was a great coupon code for a free $30 item, all you has to do was cancel the account after. Part of he reason pop sugar can get us the items is as advertising for the company (in this case stylemint) to get new customers. I don't think it is fair to expect "better" coupon codes. Hope for, maybe... But expect? We pay $35 and jUST the SM code was almost worth that.
I agree. I get that in the world of subs this is an expensive box. But I think that people's expectations are a little out of whack. I also thought it was pretty clear that you were signing up for an account w/the mint sites that would renew.

I enjoyed stylemint but gave away canvaspop ans rtr. $14 shipping was ridiculous and you all know how rtr turned out.

Originally Posted by inimitable /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You know what is strange? I live a couple of hours from the shipping site in CA, and I receive my box after almost everyone else. Every time. It drives me batty!
Same here. I live in Sacramento and I always get mine after most people on here.

Originally Posted by JamieSaves /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is very clear when you sign up/order at Stylemint or Jewelmint that it is going to charge you for a credit each month.... I am not sure why anyone would complain to Popsugar. It was a great coupon code for a free $30 item, all you has to do was cancel the account after. Part of he reason pop sugar can get us the items is as advertising for the company (in this case stylemint) to get new customers. I don't think it is fair to expect "better" coupon codes. Hope for, maybe... But expect? We pay $35 and jUST the SM code was almost worth that.
Hmmm was it? I distinctly remember NOT seeing anything about signing up for a subscription (I knew before hand that StyleMint has a subscription program, and I wanted to be sure I wasn't signing up for it). While I'm totally crazy about the shirt I got, I was pretty annoyed when I logged into my account last week and saw that I was subscribed. Fortunately I noticed this before the January charge went through (I ordered end of December, so that would have been the first charge), and was able to email them and ask to be removed, which they did quickly and with no problem... but still - it definitely was not clear!

On another note - if you go to FedEx tracking by reference and enter your subscription number you can see your tracking info!! So far mine hasn't actually shipped, but the label has been created and we are at a whopping


Originally Posted by Rach212 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I live in central Arkansas. It usuallt takes 3 or 4 days from the time I get a tracking number to the time FedEx actually shows any movement (those dates are from the fedex tracking). August and September, I got mine DAYS after everyone else.
I live in Colorado, seems like I always get mine days after everyone else too!

Originally Posted by Kerryliz /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hmmm was it? I distinctly remember NOT seeing anything about signing up for a subscription (I knew before hand that StyleMint has a subscription program, and I wanted to be sure I wasn't signing up for it). While I'm totally crazy about the shirt I got, I was pretty annoyed when I logged into my account last week and saw that I was subscribed. Fortunately I noticed this before the January charge went through (I ordered end of December, so that would have been the first charge), and was able to email them and ask to be removed, which they did quickly and with no problem... but still - it definitely was not clear!

On another note - if you go to FedEx tracking by reference and enter your subscription number you can see your tracking info!! So far mine hasn't actually shipped, but the label has been created and we are at a whopping

i have the same!!! yay

I really hope this is a good box. I have not really been disappointed yet so I hope it stays that way!

Mine still says processing...I live in Oklahoma City and it seems that I always get mine about a week or week and a half after they start to ship.

I REALLY liked the StyleMint items I got with the code from the Must Have box, and have stayed subscribed.
Ditto with JewelMint after GlossyBox sent us a JM item. My necklace is really pretty and unique ( the Persephone necklace) and I joined JM too.

Just because the prices are low doesn't mean the items aren't cute to wear on casual occasions, IMO. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't understand why there is a thread here about the handbag site, LBB, but not StyleMint and JewelMint. I think they are absolutely the same types of sites and products. Is there a loyalty and following to LBB here that doesn't exist to the " Mint" subscription sites? Just asking because I am new and like I said, I think the SM and JM are fun, at least for now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by LillyAmanda /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I REALLY liked the StyleMint items I got with the code from the Must Have box, and have stayed subscribed.

Ditto with JewelMint after GlossyBox sent us a JM item. My necklace is really pretty and unique ( the Persephone necklace) and I joined JM too.

Just because the prices are low doesn't mean the items aren't cute to wear on casual occasions, IMO. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't understand why there is a thread here about the handbag site, LBB, but not StyleMint and JewelMint. I think they are absolutely the same types of sites and products. Is there a loyalty and following to LBB here that doesn't exist to the " Mint" subscription sites? Just asking because I am new and like I said, I think the SM and JM are fun, at least for now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
There's a group devoted to LBB because it has a huge community surrounding it, many of whom are on MUT. StyleMint and JewelMint, while fun, are pretty much a solo activity. But if you start threads about them and there's enough interest, they too might get a group.

Originally Posted by LillyAmanda /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I REALLY liked the StyleMint items I got with the code from the Must Have box, and have stayed subscribed.

Ditto with JewelMint after GlossyBox sent us a JM item. My necklace is really pretty and unique ( the Persephone necklace) and I joined JM too.

Just because the prices are low doesn't mean the items aren't cute to wear on casual occasions, IMO. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't understand why there is a thread here about the handbag site, LBB, but not StyleMint and JewelMint. I think they are absolutely the same types of sites and products. Is there a loyalty and following to LBB here that doesn't exist to the " Mint" subscription sites? Just asking because I am new and like I said, I think the SM and JM are fun, at least for now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

LBB is much different from stylemint/jewelmint because of the interactive trading aspect of the site and that all their brands are not in house brands. I think that appeals to a lot more people getting a brand they have heard of before or already know they love. There are different threads on stylemint in the Subscription and sampling group and the Jewelmint ones usually end up in the Fashion Talk area, but your right there is no group for either of the mints like there is for LBB.

I had heard of stylemint before the coupon we had last month but was turned off by how hard it was to redeem the code since my CC wasn't accepted on their site and ended up giving the code to someone who knew it work work for them.

Mine is still processing and the FedEx reference # is not working yet:( I am in Pacific NW guess it ships later to my location

Originally Posted by stylishmomofnw /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mine is still processing and the FedEx reference # is not working yet:( I am in Pacific NW guess it ships later to my location
Me, too (fellow Pacific NW-er, my box is also "processing"). I really hope it comes before I leave town next week. This will be my first Pop Sugar box *crossing my fingers for a good one*!

Same here...also in the Pacific NW. When did they start shipping in waves? Seems like a recent thing? I guess I understand it but their site shouldn't estimate shipping by the 10th.

Pacific north west as well...i hate that they send to us a week later then everone else. I emailed and complained about that awhile ago and a week later they just said good news your box is on its way! Totally ignored what I said. I wish they sent to us first or at the same time. Other companies send locally first it seems like. Grr lol

I'm in the north east, box usually ships early but it usually take 11-12 days so all you pacific northwesterns will get it before me. Can't wait for spoilers.


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