Ughhhh don't remind me.. I haven't been in about 6 months! I can't bring myself to cancel... every month I tell myself that I deserve to have the $60 taken from me as punishment for being lazyOriginally Posted by nancy771 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Debating on whether to cancel my gym membership or psmh next month...i haven't been to the gym all month...i can't afford both anymore.
I just cancelled. I didn't go anymore, and couldn't justify the $50/month. I cried after cancelling though.Originally Posted by Kerryliz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ughhhh don't remind me.. I haven't been in about 6 months! I can't bring myself to cancel... every month I tell myself that I deserve to have the $60 taken from me as punishment for being lazy
Oh! So glad I follow this now I have a photo shoot that is bringing me to Columbus, OH on the 23rd. Can I message you for more recommendations?Originally Posted by CAPSLOCK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Pistacia Vera is a fabulous little bakery that I love to visit not far from home! I particularly love to go there for brunch. It is always exciting when I see someone link to Columbus, Ohio foods. We aren't well known outside of Central Ohio for having great food, but we do have many nationally acclaimed restaurants and bakeries.
Thanks for letting me know...i ordered anyway!!Originally Posted by cdelpercio /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There were no codes for tea forte unfortunately. I absolutely love them and ended up spending $60 on tea after that box -____-. They do have a loyalty program though! You get 5% of every purchase towards future purchases.
Originally Posted by OpheliaDiFranco /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yay shipping notice!!! Now I only have to wait another million days for it to actually get here! LOL