POLL: What's the most hair you've cut off? r/o/p

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Nov 28, 2004
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For you long-haired (or once long-haired gals) what's the most hair you've had cut off at one time?

I have haircuts on the brain because I had mine chopped yesterday, only about 2-3 inches but I definitely notice a difference!

Anyway, my longest amount that was cut off was 11 inches, when I had it cut off to donate to Locks of Love. It was quite scary, and I almost cried (lol!) but since it was for a good cause I sucked it up.

Oh my god, 11 inches!! You brave girl! The most i've had cut off was probably about 5 inches. My hair is long again & i was thinking of getting the chop for Xmas but i've decided against it for now!

the most ive had cut off at once was about 8 inches. im growing mine out to donate to locks of love right now, and its making me insane. i have 10 inches to give already, but im trying for a few more so im not left with really short hair. right now its about 3 inches short of being at my waist.

I went from waist length to shoulder length when I was about 10 - but since then... no more than 3 or 4!!! (I just usually get about 1/2" to 1" regularly) I think the big snip back then has traumatized me to stick with trims! lol And no matter how long I let it go - It has never gotten near as long as it used to be
Now it just kinda hovers mid-back length (bra level - lol) I wish it would get that long again though... but it would probably take years of not cutting or trimming - so I'm assuming it would look HORRID on the ends! LOL

When I was 8, I had hair down almost to my waist and cut it off basically to my chin (huge mistake!)

Then in college, it was down to the bottom of my rib cage and I went to a little above my shoulders.

i went from shoulder blade level to the hairline @ my neck, so i guess that was somewhere around 9 inches or so. the cut eventually ended above my ears @ the shortest point, so that would be around 11 inches. not what i really wanted, but it eventually grew back.

Thanks to my easystraight nightmare I've probably had a total of 8 inches or more cut off since May, I had to get 3 inches taken off right after it happened and then I had it cut to above my shoulders a couple months later. It's growing out pretty fast though so hopefully it won't take all that long to be where I want it again. I wouldn't have minded at all getting it cut off if it had been for Locks of Love, I would have loved to do that, but having to get it all cut off because it was damaged so badly by a product that used false advertising was really upsetting.
Well, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I went from 3/4 of an inch down to ALMOST 1/2 inch!!! Can you even beleive that? WTF. It felt so much different when I was done

Originally Posted by melzie_fire

For you long-haired (or once long-haired gals) what's the most hair you've had cut off at one time?
I have haircuts on the brain because I had mine chopped yesterday, only about 2-3 inches but I definitely notice a difference!

Anyway, my longest amount that was cut off was 11 inches, when I had it cut off to donate to Locks of Love. It was quite scary, and I almost cried (lol!) but since it was for a good cause I sucked it up.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Well, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I went from 3/4 of an inch down to ALMOST 1/2 inch!!! Can you even beleive that? WTF. It felt so much different when I was done

LMAO Tony.. Oh my god, that must have been so awful for you & you must have felt so different when you looked in the mirror!
heheh I think my goatee is longer now

Originally Posted by laura127

LMAO Tony.. Oh my god, that must have been so awful for you & you must have felt so different when you looked in the mirror!

Probably about 6 or 8 inches ... in early high school my hair was down to my waist, and at one point last year it was chin length! However I never had the guts to cut it all off -- every 2 or 3 years I'd just cut about 6-8 inches off!

Originally Posted by Gill23 When my hair was at its longest it was below my bum nearly, one day I got so sick of it I just went to my hairdresser and told her to cut it up short. The length now is just above my shoulders, I dont regret getting it cut up it is a lot easier to manage now. Whoa.. I can't imagine having hair that long!
It would drive me INSANE! I get to where I was before (just below my bra strap in back) and I gotta get some of it chopped off, lol.
It was cool donating to Locks of Love, they eventually sent me a little thank you note for it.

and Tony, I hope you are over the trauma of losing all that hair.
that must have been such an adjustment for you!!!

lol, I am balding and bald is beautiful!!! How come only bald men and large girls say that? lol

just kidding

Originally Posted by melzie_fire

Whoa.. I can't imagine having hair that long!
It would drive me INSANE! I get to where I was before (just below my bra strap in back) and I gotta get some of it chopped off, lol.
It was cool donating to Locks of Love, they eventually sent me a little thank you note for it.

and Tony, I hope you are over the trauma of losing all that hair.
that must have been such an adjustment for you!!!

Hey CrazyGurl!!! Welcome to MUT!!! Glad you joined us! and I like the #'s in your Username!! LOL

Hello Crazygurl! Welcome to Makeuptalk. I am Reija the so called director here. LOL

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Originally Posted by crazygurl98

The longest amout of hair i ever got chopped of was 12 inchs. I got it cut up to about the bottem of my ear. Im not one 4 long hair. My hair never reached passed my sholders sence kindergarden

Welcome to MakeupTalk!

Originally Posted by crazygurl98

The longest amout of hair i ever got chopped of was 12 inchs. I got it cut up to about the bottem of my ear. Im not one 4 long hair. My hair never reached passed my sholders sence kindergarden

Welcome to MakeupTalk!

Originally Posted by crazygurl98

The longest amout of hair i ever got chopped of was 12 inchs. I got it cut up to about the bottem of my ear. Im not one 4 long hair. My hair never reached passed my sholders sence kindergarden


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