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Feb 17, 2014
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How do i get rid of the lines next to my nose under my eyes? I hate them, you can only see them when i use flash in a camera, i dont see them when i look at my self in the mirror. And i notice not many kids my age have them, i hate them

Cant someone please tell me how to get rid of them, i hate them so much

Short of fillers I doubt you can, but try learning your angles. When taking photos sometimes tilting you chin slightly down and to the side slightly may help. It sounds like you have shadows happening with the flash. I have small fat pads under my eyes and it makes me look like I have dark circles when in reality it's shadows. That's really is no consolation though...

applying concealer slightly lighter than your foundation directly onto the lines, may help to minimize shadows, and, hence, appearance of the lines. It may or may not work, but it's definitely worth trying. Good luck!

Any one else have any recommendations, cause im not going to wear make up im a guy

Quote: Originally Posted by lol911 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Any one else have any recommendations, cause im not going to wear make up im a guy
Lots of guys wear makeup, it can look very natural. Since that's not an option for you the other choice is facial fillers.

Actually, botox might be an option. I had one doctor tell me my only option was fillers, which I wasn't ready to go through at the time due to bruising, pain etc. I went to another doctor who was much more experienced & he fixed everything I was concerned about using only botox. My initial injections cost about $350.

in that case, fillers may be the way to go... sorry, I wish there was easier solution,,,

Lighting is everything when it comes to photos- bad lighting is no ones friend. You'll always notice in photo shoots & modeling jobs the lighting is always perfect, such an important part of the shot. I agree with the other gals, what your seeing is shadows - try tilt your head - posing sideways- not straight on. Google kim kardashian & pay attention to how she poses and holds herself. Hope this helps :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The LifeCell cream makes your skin look beautiful and younger. It doesn't have any known side effects. One should always refer to the ingredients before using such products.

Honestly nothing! Your nose looks fine. And the creases aren't really that noticeable unless your the one staring at it. Also yes it's your lighting I noticed the back ground is pitch black that May have something to do with it. I wouldn't worry so much about it! It gives your face character. You do not need Botox or makeup.

Those lines are natural. I feel like everybody has them. I'm not a doctor, but if you insisted on doing something about them, they have things like laser skin tightening treatments and creams, Botox, and dermal fillers. The latter two you probably know about. Here's some info on laser skin tightening. I really think those lines look normal though, but it's your decision. Hope that helps.


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