Originally Posted by shivs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am so facsinated with piercings and tats. and why people get them. I already have some piercings on my ear cartilage, but if I could get another one... it would be my eyebrow. But most places dont even hire you if you have face piercings and I want to be a vet! ha! and my mom would NEVER let me. But I really would love one...
and for a tattoo... I would probably get one on my ribs or down my spine or just of my left wrist. Maybe a verse? or something.
tell me about your tattoos or piercings you already have, or ones you would like to get!
I know this is a wayyyyy old post but might give some people some insight
- eyebrow piercings... Not a good Idea. I would say 75% of them migrate/reject. I was one of those who had this happen. Now I have a scar of where it used to be. It has nothing do do with how it was pierced at all. ANY surface piercing will want to migrate. It is a forgien object and your body does not want it there so it will push it right out.
-It is true. Most places will not hire you with them. I do understand why. Alot of facial piercings look tacky. Certain ones can be pulled of by certain people. It also deppends on the jewlery in them as well.
- Tattoos 1st ribs,spine,foot,wrist and chest are the top places for pain when getting a tattoo. Not a good idea for starter tattoos. 2nd. If you do not have a idea for a tattoo and it is just some random verse... DONT DO IT! You will have this for the rest of your life. You dont want to be 26 and regret what you got ( like me) Again I will say. YOU WILL HAVE IT FOREVER.
So back to the original question after playing mother hen. lol
Piercings- Currently Have Labret and Tonge. Allthough nothing in them. I have had those, eyebrow,nose x2, monroe,septem. Ears are at 1/2 inch and left ear has a industral and a vertical industral as well.
Tattoos- oh man idk where to start. All of them are works in progress.
Knuckels- "outa luck" cherrys on left thumb black cat on right
Arms up to elbows- right arm has my family crest a split 4 leaf clover with a banner saying "dalig lyckan" then twords my wrist on the under side a effile tower with shears I got in paris
Left arm Salior Jerry Type tattoos. To many to list
Left upper arm- Gothic Mirror with a siloet of a lady with a black widow in her hair
Right upper arm- heart Locket with spider webs behind it and a victorian key
chest- a copy of the first pair of shears I owned,lipstick,blush brush, a row of stars and a girl skull head with a bow with bat wings
legs- Right leg Jap themed with Lotus,fireballs,waves and storm clouds (ankle to knee)
Left leg New orleans peice- Voodoo doll, flure de lies, a blue moon with clouds, mardi gras beads, skull with a top hat and a booze bottle
Top of my left foot "xxx" ( has to deal with New Orleans/Voodoo folklore)
Sorry for the horrible spelling im bad and I cant figure out how to do auto correct on here.