Piercings/Tattoos, tell me about YOURS!

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I have two Piercings in my ears some time I wear ear rings. I am not crazy with Piercings and tattoos. I love to see the people who is having tattoos.

I have my belly button pierced. I got it back when I was 15. Now I'm 24 and I kind of regret getting it but it still looks pretty in the summer when I'm wearing a bathing suit.

As far as piercings I pnly have 4 and that is in my ears. I really want a nose stud but dont know if Im too old to be getting one,im 32. I have one tat its on my ring finger me nad DH were drinking a little too much one evening and had our rings tatooed on. I wish we would of been in our right minds and went to a better place because its not what i would have wanted if i was sober,but my looks way better than his!

I've had 3 piercings in each earlobe, 1 in lip, 1 in left nostril, 1 in tongue and 1 in my upper belly. I only have those last 2 now, but plan on having the nose and lip ones redone, and several new ones too.

I also have 4 tattoos. A Welsh Dragon on each hip, one tribal, one sort of 'swirly', a circle with a cross (female symbol) on my bum cheek, and 'Made In Wales' above my belly button, which seems to generate a lot of humour for some reason

I've had piercings, and mi ear piercings are the only ones left

Mi navel was pierced y that got infected. Then i had mucho ear piercings but those only lasted maybe 6 meses.

I have four tattoos and my lip pierced. My tattoos are the Aerosmith logo on the bottom of my back, a tribal claddaugh symbol with a clover on my left wrist, a broken heart with wings (one half on either leg) and the Foo Fighters logo on the back of my neck. I'm planning more tattoos but not sure when I'll be getting those. Might start on my cherry blossom 'sleeve' this summer.

4 ear piercings - 1 on the left and 3 on the right. No tats. I'm thinking of a nose stud...maybe I'll do it for my birthday

i just have one piercing on each ear. i wanted more but when i got older i got lazy to wear earrings so i realized there would be no point to get more ahah. and i have one tattoo. on my right side of my back and a little on my side. its an orchid plant that symbolizes my mom. she loves to grow orchids and always has at least 5 of them around the house.

Since I last posted in this thread, I've had 3 more tattoos. This is the only one I have a pic of though. I wanted something to represent veganism so I picked a sunflower (like the vegan society logo) but I wanted a more realistic one. I got a fairy cuz I love them. It's on my lower back and it was my 30th birthday present last year from 3 of my best friends. This pic doesn't do the colour justice at all, the flash really washed it out.


I also have 3 hearts on my right wrist and flowers on my right foot - both of which my 2 best friends also have. As well as my first one, the butterfly on my left foot in memory of my Nan.

Oh, this should be fun! BRB lemme snap some pics lol

Ok I'm back let's see if this works.

"Wrist1.jpg" - This was my first tattoo and I got it onmy 18th birthday which sucked so bad. I was in Virginia for my last year of high school and I came home to New York for my birthday weekend but I didn't really have many friends in New York so I did absolutely nothing but get a tattoo. So corny

"Thigh.jpg" - My third tattoo, I was shopping alone and I passed the neighborhood tattoo place. I went in and started looking around and ended up with this. I liked it so much at the time because I just knew I was going to be a rapper of sorts LOL. It's on my thigh and pretty high up there. I had on reallyyy short shorts that day.

"Wrist2.jpg" - My fifth tattoo, I had a friend who could draw really well so he decided to start a home tattoo business. He asked me if he could practice on me and well who turns down a free tattoo? I asked for a simple star because though I seen some of his past work I didn't trust him THAT much. THE PAIN I felt was unbearable!! I had to tell him to stop. THe tattoo looked complete to me but he warned me that he wasn't finished it needed to be darker. Lo and behold after it peeled this is what I was left with
. Everytime I see him he begs me to let him fix it but my y answer is always helll to the no! I kinda like it, it has character lmao.

"Wrist3.jpg" - My sixth and last tattoo. Got this last year... it's a B for Brian my boyfriend. He got my name on his inner forearm but I have an exs name already so I refused to do it again
. We compromised on the "B". I agreed since my last name starts witha B LOL.


"Greg" on my pelvic bone. Yeah I was 18 and I just knew I was in love turns out I wasn't. The tattoo doesn't bother me but I am going to get it covered up for my boyfriend when I get around to it.

Rosary beads on my lower back - Got this when I was 18 as well, it was my second tattoo. I was in Virginia and I had cut school with my friend Kelsey so she could get her first tattoo. I decided to get that. I'll try to post a picture later. LOL

I have 4 tattoos. One is a Yin Yang with two fish on my ankle (my dad did that one for my 16th birthday), one is my husbands name on my hip, one is my husbands name on my ring finger, and my latest one is on my side it's an Irish blessing it says may you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten. I have my ears pierced twice on each ear it used to be more so I still have the scars on my ears. I have my belly button pierced, and I have my nipples pierced.

I have 2 holes in both my ear. I have a my tongue pierced and it didnt hurt as bad as i thought but it did swell and i couldnt really eat for about a week. i also have 2 tattoos. 1 on my leg that is s rose with a heart over it and a banner with my name in it and i have another tattoo on my breast and it's a shooting star with trails of little stars. i got that 1 on my 19th b-day in puerta rico
My ears are pierced, my nose is pierced, and I have two tattoos on my back on my shoulders... Both are black outline and on the left shoulder I have angel wings with a halo and light shining off the halo, on the right I have devil horns, a tail and a pitchfork.

My nose piercing is my favorite, makes me feel pretty and I think it succeeds in adding a touch of shimmer to my face!

Well I have 5 piercing. 2 in each ear and a navel.

I like that I can wear more than one pair of earrings. 

I just got my navel pierced last summer and everyone and their mama had a negative opinion about it.

I have 2 tats. A strawberry on my left **** and a rose on my lower left arm. I will be getting more. The next one will be a blue or purple rose on my right arm.  I'm going to put my son's name somewhere, and get a lot of Bible verses in Russian on my back and shoulder.

Originally Posted by shivs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am so facsinated with piercings and tats. and why people get them. I already have some piercings on my ear cartilage, but if I could get another one... it would be my eyebrow. But most places dont even hire you if you have face piercings and I want to be a vet! ha! and my mom would NEVER let me. But I really would love one...

and for a tattoo... I would probably get one on my ribs or down my spine or just of my left wrist. Maybe a verse? or something.

tell me about your tattoos or piercings you already have, or ones you would like to get!

I know this is a wayyyyy old post but might give some people some insight

- eyebrow piercings... Not a good Idea. I would say 75% of them migrate/reject. I was one of those who had this happen. Now I have a scar of where it used to be. It has nothing do do with how it was pierced at all. ANY surface piercing will want to migrate. It is a forgien object and your body does not want it there so it will push it right out.

-It is true. Most places will not hire you with them. I do understand why. Alot of facial piercings look tacky. Certain ones can be pulled of by certain people. It also deppends on the jewlery in them as well.

- Tattoos 1st ribs,spine,foot,wrist and chest are the top places for pain when getting a tattoo. Not a good idea for starter tattoos.  2nd. If you do not have a idea for a tattoo and it is just some random verse... DONT DO IT! You will have this for the rest of your life. You dont want to be 26 and regret what you got ( like me) Again I will say. YOU WILL HAVE IT FOREVER.

So back to the original question after playing mother hen. lol

Piercings- Currently Have Labret and Tonge. Allthough nothing in them. I have had those, eyebrow,nose x2, monroe,septem. Ears are at 1/2 inch and left ear has a industral and a vertical industral as well.

Tattoos- oh man idk where to start. All of them are works in progress.

Knuckels- "outa luck" cherrys on left thumb black cat on right

Arms up to elbows- right arm has my family crest a split 4 leaf clover with a banner saying "dalig lyckan" then twords my wrist on the under side a effile tower with shears I got in paris

Left arm Salior Jerry Type tattoos. To many to list

Left upper arm- Gothic Mirror with a siloet of a lady with a black widow in her hair

Right upper arm- heart Locket with spider webs behind it and a victorian key

chest- a copy of the first pair of shears I owned,lipstick,blush brush, a row of stars and a girl skull head with a bow with bat wings

legs- Right leg Jap themed with Lotus,fireballs,waves and storm clouds (ankle to knee)

Left leg New orleans peice- Voodoo doll, flure de lies, a blue moon with clouds, mardi gras beads, skull with a top hat and a booze bottle

Top of my left foot "xxx" ( has to deal with New Orleans/Voodoo folklore)

Sorry for the horrible spelling im bad and I cant figure out how to do auto correct on here.


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