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awwww...everyone has such cute pets.

here is my dog Clover, she will be a year old in 10 days. She is part Husky, German Shepard and Yellow Lab.


she looks like she has a bit of a zebra print to her fur in the pictuer but its just the blinds casting shadows across her.

Mora always watches us get it on and has taken notes. This is her getting her freak on with her toy cow....


I dont think I have posted pictures of my crested gecko, Greta, on this thread.

Here she is when I first got her (5 months ago):


Here she is a few weeks ago when she just woke up:


And after she was awake for 30mins:


And a few random shots:




And her tank:


alrite here are all my babies....

the black lab is ralph...hes 5 yrs old

the brown and white [not sure breed] is shelby lynn....shes a yr old

thats my #1 baby...

my cat is moe henry

Aww, everyone has adorable pets! I will have to post some pictures of my puppy! She's a black lab!

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Mora always watches us get it on and has taken notes. This is her getting her freak on with her toy cow.... My dog does the exact same thing to my pillows >.<
Everyone has such cutie for pets! I'll post pics of Whisper as soon as I get her back at the beginning of next month...

My Dog Mojo. (aka Mr.Mojo Risin)

and Bisquit (aka pan of burnt bisquits)

And last but never least, Clovis, even though he's passed on to a better place,he will always be *my* boy!

(and golly don't you love the way my dog decided to bring down the wallpaper. The little MUTT!!!)

I'm on cuteness overload!!! This thread is fantastic!!

Here's mine (she's Guenevere BTW!)

She likes to move her food bowl off her mat and take naps! She's also a pillow hog!!!!

This is my baby, Dutchess aka Dutch Boy. He's a boy who was given a girls name because when we first found him my brother and I were idiots and we thought he was a girl. But he's masculine enough to rock it, so we left it as Dutchess.

He's 10 years old, give or take a few months. We found him one night while playing spotlight (it's a nighttime game that's like hide and seek, only when you find someone hiding or see them running for home base you flash them with your flashlight and yell spotlight). Dutch was intrigued by our moving lights, so he followed us home and never left...thankfully!

Here's my baby!

Attachment 23646Attachment 23647Attachment 23648

Originally Posted by WhitneyF This is my baby, Dutchess aka Dutch Boy. He's a boy who was given a girls name because when we first found him my brother and I were idiots and we thought he was a girl. But he's masculine enough to rock it, so we left it as Dutchess. I also have a male cat with a female name. We were told it was a female cat, and when we went to have it spayed we found out it was a neutered male cat. So we have Ms. Kitty (we had a Gunsmoke theme when I was little with two dogs Black Bart and Mutty Dylan) the male cat, most of the time he is just Kitty though. (My dad couldn't handle the name so on his pet records the name is Festus which means to rot.)
Originally Posted by Gleam84 Awww everyone's pets are so adorable. I wish I had one, but I have allergies. You could always get a lizard, like horse_luver.

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