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:icon_love They are so cute! They look very tiny, they must be kittens... what kind are they?

Originally Posted by Annia I have 2 cats named Gambit and Storm and 3 froggies.
Here is Storm and Gambit -


Just storm -



And just Gambit -


Froggy -


Originally Posted by monniej this is my baby moeji. just look at that beautiful face! Awww, he is beautiful!
Annia, such cute lil kitties and froggy! Those are some big rocks in the frogs tank. They look like potatoes. hehe

I just added these guy's last Tuesday. I never thought that I would own a bird, let alone two! I'm glad I decided to buy them they are so much fun!

Aww, your birds are beautiful! Makes me miss my bird, Harley. He LOVED millet. We'd hang it in the cage like you have yours and he'd get after it. Always made a big mess, though. What's your birds names?

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Aww, your birds are beautiful! Makes me miss my bird, Harley. He LOVED millet. We'd hang it in the cage like you have yours and he'd get after it. Always made a big mess, though. What's your birds names? I havn't named them yet because they are still young and I don't know their sex. I was thinking of Benny and Joon if they turn out to be male and female.
Originally Posted by brendakaos I havn't named them yet because they are still young and I don't know their sex. I was thinking of Benny and Joon if they turn out to be male and female. Perfect! I loved that movie! I hope they turn out to be male and female because that would be really cute names for them.
OMG!!!I LOVE LOVE LOVE:icon_love :icon_love :icon_love all the pictures of your cute pets!!just want to squeeze them all!!!

Originally Posted by lilla :icon_love They are so cute! They look very tiny, they must be kittens... what kind are they? They are burmese boys, very sociable guys they're almost like dogs. They follow you every where you go in the house, play with you, fetch, follow you in the shower (I have a big walk in shower). Storm likes to take baths in the kitchen sink and he eats about anything including icecream and cheerios. Gambit is a sable burmese and they call Storm a blue burmese. He looks gray but some times in the sunlight its a lavender color. They are naturally small cats. The last two pics of them they're almost 2 years old and they will not grow any more. Everyone thinks they're kittens. I love them. :icon_love
Gambit kinda looked like a rat when he was little. Or a gremlin. Here is his baby photo:


:icon_love Aw, they are so sweet. I love it. Thanks for the info, I will defo get one or two in the future:icon_love

Originally Posted by Annia They are burmese boys, very sociable guys they're almost like dogs. They follow you every where you go in the house, play with you, fetch, follow you in the shower (I have a big walk in shower). Storm likes to take baths in the kitchen sink and he eats about anything including icecream and cheerios. Gambit is a sable burmese and they call Storm a blue burmese. He looks gray but some times in the sunlight its a lavender color. They are naturally small cats. The last two pics of them they're almost 2 years old and they will not grow any more. Everyone thinks they're kittens. I love them. :icon_love
Gambit kinda looked like a rat when he was little. Or a gremlin. Here is his baby photo:


Thanks for the great post as usual, Lisa.

Everyone has such beautiful pets.

I have 2 cats, one named Cookie (an Orange tom sort of like Kerry's Boodle)

and a Norweigan Forest Cat (or Maine Coon, not sure which) named Circle.They are my pride and joys. I have had my relationship with my Cookie Boy longer than I have with any other male (he is 13).And my Maine Coon Girl rules the roost around here.

Unfortunately, I cannot post any photos because I do not have a digital camera
. My bf wants to wait until the 4 or whatever megapixels come out.

I have always had and loved animals and always seem to make friends with people who have at least one animal. I cannot imagine it otherwise.

All of your cats and dogs are so adorable. :icon_love Here are a couple more pictures of my dog. His name is Randolph, but we call him Dolphy. Today, he was helping my sister color a poster for school.

Originally Posted by Squirrel27 All of your cats and dogs are so adorable. :icon_love Here are a couple more pictures of my dog. His name is Randolph, but we call him Dolphy. Today, he was helping my sister color a poster for school. he is sooo cute :icon_love


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