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Nov 7, 2005
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Anybody ever tried pantene ice shine? I'm thinking about it...but i'm not sure. I usually use John Freida for straight hair....or if i have to go out i use Matrix sleek look..thatss too expensive for me to use on a regular basis.

I wanna replace the John Freida with Pantene....anyone have any comments about ice shine?

In general Pantene isn't a good line to use on your hair anyway. It causes so much buildup and all of the silicones actually can make your hair so much drier and brittle. Not to mention that the Pantene girls have computer enhanced hair!

My parents got me the conditioner as a stocking stuffer. I don't really like it or dislike it. I don't see where it does anything special at all though. So, I guess if I were to consider buying it, I wouldn't waste my money.

I agree, I got it about 3 months ago and used it once and it sucked. then i saw my friends hair. her hair got so much shiner and smoother, she told me she was used ice shine. I started using it again. Now, I dont notice much of a big difference. It tends to weight my hair down. I think its making it brittle. I won't buy it because like someone else said Pantene is not a good shampoo it has toooo much vitamins which coats you hair too much.

I've never seen this (damned boonies I live in), but I've never cared for Pantene products.

The shampoo and conditioner suck, no difference to shine on my hair whatsoever.

Pantene is no good for your hair. I loved it til I became a stylist and found out what it was all about..

I have a sample of the conditioner sitting in my shower caddy, but I have yet to use it. Pantene works pretty good for my hair, so I don't really have any expectations for it.

I do know that the ingredients on all of the Pantene varieties are pretty much the same, so if you like or dislike another line from Pantene, your results would probably be the same with this one.

My hairstylist told me I shouldn't use it, so I stopped. I did notice it was too harsh for my hair.

Ok i guess i won'y be buying it. Patene does no great wonders for my hair so i doubt it very much that this one will.

Ohh and i used to always wonder how did those patene ad girls get their hair so perfect looking...i knew it was fake cuz to have hair like that is virtually impossible............even barbie doesnt have that kinda hair!

stolenbaby now i know it computer enhanced!!

I like some Pantene stuff, but I read the ingredients for the Ice Shine shampoo and Sodium Laureth Sulfate is pretty high up in the list, so I put it right back on the shelf. SLS totally dries out my hair.

I have it.. and i HATE it.. the only thing it seems good for is a stripping agent. My stylist told me that the "clearer" a shampoo is, the more stripping it does. Now I'm using Herbel Essences "Breaks Over' shampoo and conditioner.. Its OK.. not great.. I gotta find something better.. especially now these dumb cowlicks showed up..

Pantene in general works for like a few days then gets to heavy from buildup like the posters said. I also think it would make my hair fall out and as soon as I switched shampoos I lost alot less hair. I think fructis makes hair real shiny but it also can cause some buildup so I switch between that and VO5.
