Paleo Diet - Have you tried it? forums

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Dec 27, 2011
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My soon to be housemate has been telling me about the diet she and her husband have been on for the past few months. It is the Paleo diet and my initial reading of it seems like it would also be fairly band friendly.

Curious if anyone else has tried it? Any opinions on it?

I think having a diet where you are eating good that is as close to it's natural state as possible is healthy. I also agree cutting out refined sugar, salts and processed oils is great advice for anyone.

This diet wouldn't be ok for me personally because I do have recurring kidney stones and my family has a history of kidney issues. Too much meat, especially red meat is hard on kidneys and I frequently replace my meat intake with whole grains and legumes. I eat baked potatoes occasionally to help replenish my iron that I lack from red meat. I do lurve cheese and although I do limit my intake now, I would certainly be unhappy cutting it out.

I would definitely discuss it with your doc though. This could be good or bad depending on your history, family history and current health status.

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think having a diet where you are eating good that is as close to it's natural state as possible is healthy. I also agree cutting out refined sugar, salts and processed oils is great advice for anyone.

This diet wouldn't be ok for me personally because I do have recurring kidney stones and my family has a history of kidney issues. Too much meat, especially red meat is hard on kidneys and I frequently replace my meat intake with whole grains and legumes. I eat baked potatoes occasionally to help replenish my iron that I lack from red meat. I do lurve cheese and although I do limit my intake now, I would certainly be unhappy cutting it out.

I would definitely discuss it with your doc though. This could be good or bad depending on your history, family history and current health status.
Yeah, the cheese is going to be an issue. I like my cheese too much to completely rule it out. LOL  

Most pasta, rice and breads are not band friendly for me (they get stuck to easily) so I already don't eat them very often. Giving them up completely won't be that big of a sacrifice. My activity level is going to be non-existant after my surgery so I'm thinking this will help maintain my weight until I get released to go back to working out and fencing.

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah, the cheese is going to be an issue. I like my cheese too much to completely rule it out. LOL  

Most pasta, rice and breads are not band friendly for me (they get stuck to easily) so I already don't eat them very often. Giving them up completely won't be that big of a sacrifice. My activity level is going to be non-existant after my surgery so I'm thinking this will help maintain my weight until I get released to go back to working out and fencing.
I usually eat stuff like natural beans or quinoa which is high in protein and fiber. Are you allowed to eat those? I can toss both into a nice fresh chunky  vegetable salsa and use lettuce leaves for chips. It's pretty tasty but light. Making sure I add a good amount of spices, garlic and lemon make it pretty satisfying so it doesn't seem so "diety".

PS When is your surgery?

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I usually eat stuff like natural beans or quinoa which is high in protein and fiber. Are you allowed to eat those? I can toss both into a nice fresh chunky  vegetable salsa and use lettuce leaves for chips. It's pretty tasty but light. Making sure I add a good amount of spices, garlic and lemon make it pretty satisfying so it doesn't seem so "diety".

PS When is your surgery?
Yep, natural beans are quinoa are fine or at least I haven't had a problem with either of them yet. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't have an exact date yet, I go in on Monday for the MRIs and to discuss options. Fun times! :/

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yep, natural beans are quinoa are fine or at least I haven't had a problem with either of them yet. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't have an exact date yet, I go in on Monday for the MRIs and to discuss options. Fun times! :/
I have had two friends who have had bariatric surgery. One did it about 6 years ago but she didn't stay active enough or follow the diet afterwards so she gained it all right back. The other did it 8 years ago and it was the best thing she ever did. She stuck to their diet, kept herself exercising and she hasn't looked back since. Obviously there are huge potential risks. My odds are on you to be a huge success.

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have had two friends who have had bariatric surgery. One did it about 6 years ago but she didn't stay active enough or follow the diet afterwards so she gained it all right back. The other did it 8 years ago and it was the best thing she ever did. She stuck to their diet, kept herself exercising and she hasn't looked back since. Obviously there are huge potential risks. My odds are on you to be a huge success.
Oh wait, I am not having bariatric surgery. I had my lap band done back in 2005 and have lost quite a bit of weight already. The surgery I am going in to discuss on Monday is for my knee. I have a torn meniscus.

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh wait, I am not having bariatric surgery. I had my lap band done back in 2005 and have lost quite a bit of weight already. The surgery I am going in to discuss on Monday is for my knee. I have a torn meniscus.
Well slap me sideways and call me Sally. Sorry I misinterpreted. That sounds painful. I hope this fixes it for you.

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Well slap me sideways and call me Sally. Sorry I misinterpreted. That sounds painful. I hope this fixes it for you.
It's pretty excruciating. The hard part is my primary method of working out (fencing) has come to a screeching halt until we figure out what is going to happen and then heal time. Can't be lunging on a less than stable knee. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My MIL's oncologist actually told her about the paleo diet. She has lost a bunch of weight and is now at the lowest she's been as an adult. She looks fabulous and feels great too. 

Originally Posted by jesemiaud /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My MIL's oncologist actually told her about the paleo diet. She has lost a bunch of weight and is now at the lowest she's been as an adult. She looks fabulous and feels great too. 

Haha. Lost it at Fred Flinstone.

My husband started this diet when I had my gastric bypass surgery Sept 2012 and he has lost 60lbs and feels so much better. You need to research it, talk to your Dr about it, and remember to exercise as well. This too is a lifestyle change.

Yes, it is a great way to lose weight and get healthy.  But it's not really a "diet".  It's more of a lifestyle change and learning to eat non-processed foods.  Hard at first, but after a few weeks you start to feel a difference in energy.
