One of my worst breakouts :( forums

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Oct 10, 2013
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Hopefully someone can help me, I feel helpless... I have been really stressed out and have not been sleeping very well and due to everything that is going on in my life my skin is breaking out :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> This is honestly the worst I have ever seen my skin and I feel so embarassed to go out in public. My current foundation routine is not cutting it any more, becasue of that the only time I leave my house is to go to work, then I come home immediately. I have tried sooo many different acne solutions brands and home remedies but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Get to a dermatologist. I was super depressed about my skin 2-3 years ago and while I started out on two different oral products and three two topical products, my skin is now AMAZING. I occasionally use the topical gel and cream and I am back to using an over-the-counter facewash.

its so expensive :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> even if they were to prescribe me something I probably wouldnt be anle to afford it :/ i really wish I could though that kinda seem like my only hope, i will just have to save really well haha thanks though!!!

Most dermatologists have samples on hand and coupons for the big brands they prescribe. If you don't have insurance, though, I can understand how difficult that may seem. As far as over the counter stuff goes, I've had a lot of success with the plain Neutrogena acne wash with Salicylic Acid (its orange and its in a pump bottle). I always apply a topical cream (a benzoyl peroxide product might help but I use a stronger prescription one), and a fragrance free moisturizer (CeraVe is about $15 and it lasts forever since the bottle is huge and my dermatologist recommended it) because if you strip your skin and don't keep it moisturized, you could end up breaking out just the same as you would if your face was too oily. Honestly, I would get back to basics. Clean, treat, moisturize, and apply makeup less heavily until you get it under control. Hope this helps. I'm by no means an expert but I've dealt with bad skin for a while so I feel your pain.

The blogger at Skin and Tonics had a really bad breakout that was tamed only by products from a Korean line called Benton.

You can get it on ebay from a trusted seller that she lists. I actually have a few samples, but am trying to use up some other skincare before breaking into those. I'll let you know how it goes, but I honestly trust this girl because her passion is skincare!

Best of luck!

If nothing else works, a dermatologist appointment should be reasonable (with health insurance) and you can try to explain to them that you are on a budget and would prefer generic prescriptions over brand names.

Quote:Originally Posted by jmd252 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Most dermatologists have samples on hand and coupons for the big brands they prescribe. If you don't have insurance, though, I can understand how difficult that may seem.

As far as over the counter stuff goes, I've had a lot of success with the plain Neutrogena acne wash with Salicylic Acid (its orange and its in a pump bottle). I always apply a topical cream (a benzoyl peroxide product might help but I use a stronger prescription one), and a fragrance free moisturizer (CeraVe is about $15 and it lasts forever since the bottle is huge and my dermatologist recommended it) because if you strip your skin and don't keep it moisturized, you could end up breaking out just the same as you would if your face was too oily. Honestly, I would get back to basics. Clean, treat, moisturize, and apply makeup less heavily until you get it under control.

Hope this helps. I'm by no means an expert but I've dealt with bad skin for a while so I feel your pain.

So I tried the Neutrogena acne wash and my face broke out in hives and now I have like a thousand little tiny bumps all over my face... I think its safe to say I am allergic to something in there :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> My face now looks 10 times worse than before because it is red, splotchy, has all of those bumps, itchier than hell, plus all of the acne that I started with :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Im Starting to feel like a lost cause here....
Oh wow, I'm so sorry. I've never heard of that. I did a google search of "Neutrogena Acne Wash" allergens, and it looks like you're not alone. I had no idea that any of those items COULD be allergens, but I guess they absolutely can. I know it can be expensive, but it would probably be so worth it to save up to see a doctor and go and just get an opinion, recommendation, (and usually some samples so you can try things before buying them. If they don't offer, you can totally ask but my doctor ALWAYS offered me samples of new stuff to try before I bought it)

With your allergic reaction from the Neutrogena, I'd say go to the doctor. If you don't have insurance and have no money.. you could try to go to your counties, public health clinic. They usually have one of these in the court house for your county. You just have to show proof that you are a resident and they will help you for free. 

Also, you can go to your primary care doctor (PCP) and see what she/he can do for you. No they are not a dermatologist but they are doctors and they do know how to deal with a wide range of health care problems. 

Have you tried proactiv? or proactiv + ? or the new X wash?I love proactiv and just ordered proactiv +. I'll report back once I've tried it and let folks know how's it working out. 

Before you ever try proactiv, please consult a doctor. You have to be careful with allergies as well as when you have acne and sensitive skin. Sensitive allergy acne prone skin is complicated and takes a professional to treat. 

Please please please be careful using proactiv, or any other over the counter acne medication before you go to the doctor and get an evaluation done. Again try the county court house clinic or your PCP. Also, your school if you are in college should have a clinic. 

Good luck. 

Let us know how you do. 


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