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I've never drank before. haha. I've been told though I'd probably be a lightweight.

And yeah, she's a drama filled girl. She tried to talk it out with me, But i'm kicking this to curb, she's been causing this kind of drama so much in the past 2 years with me.

it's pathetic, and I'm getting a new friend. haha.

Sorry to hear about that Jesska
I'll be your new friend!

And Rosie, you should try them they're yummy, its made up of taboo, vodka, some blue stuff which I believe is called blue curacao or something, orange juice and lemonade, it comes out a bright green color. I'm a major lightweight too, but I don't drink all that often, mainly because I never have the money

I used to love blue curacao in college .... If you drink a lot of it, you pee blue for a while!!! hahahaha

Hahaha thanks for that Karren lmao.



I think you can get it in lots of colours...I've never had it on its own.

. Guess you've either never had enough or you don't watch yourself pee? Roflma!!!
BUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guess what ? i managed not to burn myself with the cupcakes (yay!) BUT i was washing my hands and the warm water decided to go hot in one second and i burnt my left hand. who looks ridiculous with a bandage now ? thank goodness for my parents having stocked on creams.

i don't know if it's because i splitted the stuff in cupcakes instead of a big cake, or the presence of banana in the recipe, but the cupcakes have a weird taste. they will probably end up in the garbage. the recipe was fine, so maybe it's the rice flour i used that didn't go well with the banana ? so frustrating, it was tasting good until i put the cupcakes in the oven.

I'm trying to join europlacement.com to see if they will give me a european internship. I'm trying to find out how much I have to pay though..

ETA - there is a free option, but the paid one sounds quite good. 30 euros. That's around 48 australian dollars. Hmm. I think I want more details from my university in regards to the internship before I commit that much money.

30 euros seems okay, it's the money we have to spend just to register for some masters. but definitely get more info from your uni.

yay ! one of my friends is treating me the sushi bar to celebrate her new job and first paycheck !

I was suppose to see my friend that I haven't seen in like, 3 years today but had no car to go over her house.

Well... my dad just started his new job in Frisco so he took the van.

Both my sisters started school today and mom took the other car.

My dad bought his own truck years ago supposely for work. Does he use it? Nope. It has some couple of thousand miles on it... a 3 year old car, mind you!

Mom is asking if I can ask for rides to school and work or take BART (subway). I'm getting irritated because we have 3 drivers... 3 good cars... yet I'm having to ask for rides and all this crap. They owe me a car for so long and my dad made some stupid ass choice for I dunno what reason to buy that truck and he doesn't even use it and he goes and my mom says it's his money, his luxury car. PFFT. WTF, why would you spend like 40k on something you don't use?

And I will be attending a new school that's farther away from me and she wants me to take the train to save on gas... that means I have to be dropped of on bart, wait... get to my destination wait for a bus to take me to school. Fuuuuck that. It's only a 15 min drive tops to my new school. Why do I want to waste perhaps an hour trying to get there? Makes sense... no!

I'm getting irrititated with them and the stupid cars. They make sure poor choices in picking suitable ones. Omg, I shouldve posted this in the rant forum but I don't feel like it. Haha.

and freakin youtube is not uploading my video... those skanks.

i'm celebrating the fact i have internet on my computer, for now.

i am also pissed because, to save you boring details and childish rambling, nothing goes the way i want for my room, and the way things go, i'll be stuck with a yucky, nightmareish wallpaper. i was supposed to invite my best friend to visit the new apartment, but i'm just so disappointed i didn't call her back since.

lol, childish ramblings, Aude you're so funny

I hope it works out, I'm sure that in the end you will be happy with the new room! no ugly wallpaper!

Ugh, I have to print out my project plan today to take to my uni on-campus session... how silly is this - I have to be there at 7pm! which is too early to have dinner before hand, and kind of late to eat afterward (it will be at least 9:30 when we leave I'm guessing!) and to add to that, I had to change my work shift to do the morning shift otherwise I wouldn't get there in time!


i would bring a tupperware full of healthy snacks, if that's possible.

lol, it's jsut i've found a pigment that might look very close compared to my too expensive paint (both are from the same brand), and as it's more concentrated than the other pigments at the DIY store, i would only need half of the tube, which means i would have some left for whatever i would want to do. and it's cheaper

but the DIY store is located in another mall, and although it is bigger (hence the fact their paint area is almost twice as big) my parents stick to their usual store.

so they make me choose something less expensive, which is already pissing me off because i really matured my decoration project, and when i find something cheaper, they make it sound like i'd have to buy it myself, which i refuse to do, it's not my fault we had to move, and i know, the apartment is old, it needs to be redecorated from head to toe, bla bla bla, but i was promised i could have anything i wanted, and all i wanted was two pots of greenish blue paint.

my mom asked me this afternoon if i still wanted to paint my room, honestly they are so not motivated, so discouraging, and all their no-no's disappointed me to the point i no longer feel at home, and if it's not my home and at 24 i cannot have a bedroom as i want it (is it really too much asking?), i prefer to keep my yucky yellow wallpapers, and my doors free closet.

the sarcastic self says here at least it won't cost them much if they're so driven by money.

(this is where i feel i'm being childish, why can't i just shut it up and paint my room despite what they have to say?).

my father originally was thinking of painting the bedrooms in winter, but i'm realistic : between my work and my night classes, and training on saturdays, i won't have time to pack my stuff, move them to my brother's room and help take off the wallpaper. not to mention my sensitive neck might catch a big cold or any other related illness.

see? seems like i've vented lol. oh well, i feel better now.

Haha, aw Aude. My dad does renovations in our house constantly so there are times when I slept in the living room and all my personal belonging for the world to see for 2 weeks. It was crazy. Worth it though. My room looks better.

I just got a haircut
I like it, although I was trying to grow it out and I asked her to cut my dead ends... I must've had a lot cus it's a lot shorter then I had planed. It was long enough were my hair would get trapped between my armpits. Now, it's just right above it. I'm hoping it'll grow to my desired length by December, get another trim. Then on my bday in March - I'll have banging long hair

lol, that's exactly what happened last time i got a haircut, it was cut way shorter than i was used to, whne i was thinking of growing it out. i suspect it's also because the girl cutting my hair (i was in a *training* school) was making mistakes and the teacher had to check her work more than for the other hairdressers.

back from disneyland. my backpack killed my shoudlers and the trains are a nightmare (ha! i sort of had to cross Paris entirely from west to east, what was i expecting ?). i also have a headache.

but it was great


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